Home » The brain is slowing down along with movement in those with this early Parkinson’s handwriting symptom

The brain is slowing down along with movement in those with this early Parkinson’s handwriting symptom

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Among the most feared neurodegenerative diseases, in addition to Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease is included. It is a chronic disease that involves various motor, cognitive and behavioral functions. It progresses slowly and affects the quality of life of those who suffer from it, so much so that our legislator provides various forms of protection for Parkinson’s patients. In fact, in addition to the disability pension, Parkinson’s patients are also entitled to these benefits.

The main symptoms of this disease are bradykinesia, which is slowness in movement, stiffness in movement and tremor at rest. It would seem that the preclinical phase, that is the period between the onset of degeneration and the onset of the disease, appears 20 years earlier. In particular, according to some studies, the Parkinson’s spy would arrive with these often neglected symptoms even 20 years earlier.

It would also appear that the brain is slowing down along with movement in those with this early Parkinson’s handwriting symptom.

I study

Some researchers have highlighted how by observing the writing, or rather the writing method, a preliminary diagnosis of the disease can be made. In particular, 20 patients with early-stage Parkinson’s were compared with healthy controls. Everyone then wrote their name and copied an address on a piece of paper affixed to a digitizer.

The researchers analyzed the mean pressure and velocity, as well as the spatial and temporal characteristics of the writing. The findings showed that Parkinson’s patients wrote smaller letters with a longer duration than the healthy control group. Therefore, according to the researchers, these writing activities could become inexpensive, reliable, non-invasive and reliable biomarkers for Parkinson’s.

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The brain is slowing down along with movement in those with this early Parkinson’s handwriting symptom

To date, unfortunately, there are no drugs capable of preventing this fearful disease, but there are cures and therapeutic treatments capable of improving the quality of life. Indeed, drug treatment, surgery and multidisciplinary management can provide symptom relief. Diagnosing this disease as soon as possible allows you to apply the most suitable and effective cures and treatments. Also because some drugs and treatments are more effective in the early stages of the disease and could help slow down its progression. Therefore, using a simple method that can predict the onset of this disease could be an important tool against this Parkinson’s. In this way, in fact, one could act quickly using any form of therapeutic treatment that slows down the disease.


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(The information in this article is for informational purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings given. WHO”)

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