Home » Cuneo presents the new 17 million euro high school campus

Cuneo presents the new 17 million euro high school campus

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The feasibility study of the Province was approved in October, last week some surveys were carried out on the land next to the former Provveditorato, in Corso De Gasperi, and today (December 14) at 6 pm it will be presented to the Educational Services and Culture Commission of Cuneo, the project for a new high school school complex, dedicated to technical education. The cost is significant (just under 17 million euros, the funds are “available to the provincial administration”) and the project, carried out by the Kuadra studio in Cuneo, is ambitious: 40 classrooms, 4 of which are intended for “outdoor teaching” », 10 laboratories, auditorium, green area with steps, two gyms and lecture hall, for a total of 1,100 students.

The feasibility study foresees a building constructed with modular prefabricated, or rectangular blocks. The intervention will be on land owned by the Province and will later involve the building once the headquarters of the Superintendency, now oversized for the public bodies it hosts: the building between Itis and the distribution center of the Post Office today has the first two floors offices of the former employees of the Province whose functions have passed to the Region after the Delrio reform, while in the last two (floors) there are the 25 employees of the Provincial Education Office.

Building a new Superior serves – reads the document of the Province – to “obviate the significant criticalities present in the capital” where 25% of the boys enrolled in the Superiors of La Granda study: about 7,500 pupils, half arrive every day from outside the city. The two gyms are needed because the situation is critical for schools and to satisfy the demand for spaces from sports associations ». For years we have been thinking about a new city center of the Superiors.

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