Home » In the Asti area 10 thousand children to be vaccinated, and in the family there are already those who argue

In the Asti area 10 thousand children to be vaccinated, and in the family there are already those who argue

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The green light for the anti Covid vaccine for children December 1st arrived: in Piedmont pre-accessions for the age group 5-11 are open on the portal «ilpiemontetivaccina.it». Throughout the Region, in three days, more than 9,300 arrived: parents will receive an SMS calling the meeting with the date, place and time of the appointment.

The situation is different for fragile children or with particular pathologies: as explained by the governor Cirio: “They will not have to carry out any pre-accession, but they will be taken over by the local health authorities”.

The stocks of Pfizer-BioNtech doses will arrive tomorrow 14 December, from Thursday 15 the start of the administrations. The dose will be less than that used for children aged 12 and over: one third that of adults.

In families there are parents already decided and others still in doubt: there are also uncertainties between mothers and fathers who have had no hesitation about the opportunity to get vaccinated. This is why many turn to the pediatrician for clarification and reassurance. The most frequent question is one: “Doctor, do you recommend vaccination for the little ones?”.

Municipal councilor Michele Anselmo has two children, aged 5 and 7: «In favor of vaccination. Of course with a little more thought than when we adults got vaccinated, but I believe that only by vaccinating children will we be able to get out of this situation ».

Among the families with small children there are also some convinced nos like that of Serena: her boys are 7, 11 and 15 years old, no one vaccinated so far, “nor will it be”.

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It pediatra, Paolo Burrone spoke with the families providing opinions and advice on the vaccine, but also responded to requests for information on how to join the vaccination campaign: “I have received calls from parents of younger children, but not that much – replies Burrone – So far about fifteen contacts: I answered giving explanations on the procedures and dispelling doubts ».

Burrone cares about 900 minors in the 5-11 age group, “more or less the same numbers as my colleagues”. On this “audience” the pre-accessions are about 5-6%: “For now, about forty, but it is premature to take stock, we are only at the beginning – continues Burrone – It is clear that minors need the consent of both parents, just one is not enough. This can make accession more complicated and slow ». However, it is true that there are infections: «Above all school. The virus circulates among the little ones, so it is right to protect them ».

«Parents’ concerns and reluctance are more than understandable – comments Claudio Lucia, president of the Order of Doctors – but we are talking about a safe and certified vaccine, necessary to defend children, moreover, a population accustomed to vaccination. It is important: currently many outbreaks start from elementary and nursery schools. The diffusion of the Omicron variant is demonstrating this ». Although for Lucia the hesitations are “understandable”, he reiterates: “We must put the extra safety given by the vaccine on the one hand and the aftermath of the infection on the other: what is called Long Covid, which brings with it persistent symptoms . After the infection, in many cases there are still some complaints ».

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As also recalled by Lucia, the Italian Pediatric Hospitals Association, stressed that “vaccination will allow children to be able to safely resume all those activities, so important for their health and psychological well-being, suspended during the pandemic, from school to sport, to social life “.

Furthermore, even if in most cases, Covid-19 affects minors in a more mild way, doctors recall that “the Coronavirus infection is not without risks for the pediatric age”. –

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