Home » Vaccination obligation for teachers, law enforcement and rescue: the rules

Vaccination obligation for teachers, law enforcement and rescue: the rules

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ROMA – The Ministry of the Interior circular has arrived on the vaccination obligation for law enforcement agencies – security, defense and public aid – and, separately, that for school staff. The latest decree on anti-Covid measures launched by the government provides for this: the obligation starts tomorrow, Wednesday 15 December.

The fulfillment includes the primary vaccination cycle and, with effect from 15 December 2021, “the administration of the next booster dose to be carried out in compliance with the indications and deadlines set forth in the circular of the Ministry of Health“. It is the third dose, the so-called booster-booster.

The obligation also applies to those absent from the service. “On 15 December – the circular reads – all personnel, even if absent for legitimate reasons, must produce the documentation certifying compliance with the manager of their structure”.

If the documentation does not arrive, the competent administration must invite the interested party, “without delay”, to produce the requested documentation within five days of receiving the invitation. For those who do not get vaccinated among the police, not only will the service be suspended without any compensation, but also the temporary withdrawal of the “identification card, plaque, weapon supplied and handcuffs”.

The fines for those who work without vaccines are heavy. “The carrying out of the working activity in violation of the vaccination obligation – the circular reads – is punished with the sanction of the payment of a sum from 600 to 1,500 euros”. Those who do not check, in turn receive a fine, ranging from 400 to 1,000 euros.

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The booster obligation is also triggered for school staff, again tomorrow, December 15th. It concerns all workers in non-peer schools, early childhood education services, provincial centers for adult education, regional education and vocational training systems and regional systems that carry out higher education and technical training courses. The modalities of the obligation will be regulated by an ad hoc circular from the Ministry of Education, awaited today in schools.

The peers carry out independent checks, not being included in the education information system (Sidi). On this platform, already activated in September for the control of the green pass at school (the green or red light), a new function allows school managers to check the vaccination status of the last 72 hours of the teaching and administrative staff, both indefinitely than indeterminate, on duty in every school. On this platform an “alert” system will allow you to automatically know the status changes: “In order”, “Not in order”. The operation, as for the green pass, can be carried out by the manager or his delegate. The assistance help desk remains in operation to help schools in case of doubts and needs.

At least five months should elapse between the second and third doses. The validity of the green card, from the end of the first vaccination cycle (dose 1 and 2) or from the booster (dose 3), is valid for nine months.


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