Home » Trieste, accident at work at the port: worker died

Trieste, accident at work at the port: worker died

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The endless tragic list of victims at work does not stop. Today two other people lost their lives in Trieste and Resana, in the Treviso area.

In the late morning, a 58-year-old worker from Veneto was crushed under a crane in the Old Port of Trieste. The Triestine trade unions proclaimed a strike by port workers and, in a joint statement, the provincial secretariats of Cgil, Cisl and Uil, together with the respective transport and construction organizations, as well as expressing condolences to the family members and colleagues of the victim, they asked for a meeting with the prefect and the Port Authority. “The significant increase in accidents and the tragic surge in fatal ones – said in the afternoon the general secretary of the CGIL Fvg, Villiam Pezzetta – cannot be considered episodic facts, but they require all parties involved, companies, the world of work, institutions, in-depth reflection and concrete measures on the one hand to ensure compliance with preventive measures, and on the other to effectively promote a true culture of safety “. “The number of fatal injuries – remarked Pezzetta – is unfortunately growing strongly and already at the end of October we were at 21 cases, six more than in 2020 and the same number that had been reached in the whole of 2019, proof of an escalation of cases also confirmed by the increase in overall accidents, which grew by 15% compared to 2020, and not only as a result of an increase in hours worked “. Among the messages of condolence also that of the governor Massimiliano Fedriga. «The whole regional administration – he affirmed – gathers around the family of the worker who was the victim of an accident. The issue of safety in the workplace must continue to represent a point of convergence for all institutions, whose action is called upon to strengthen themselves in order to combat the phenomenon of white deaths in an ever more decisive way “.

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*** The map of victims at work in 2021 in Italy

In the evening a 66-year-old small mechanical entrepreneur died in his engineering company in Resana (Treviso) while he was working with a lathe on a metal component. According to initial information, the man, owner of the company, would have remained “hooked” with a garment, perhaps the coat, to the lathe in operation, being dragged towards the gears. The man sustained devastating injuries, and died before help arrived at the factory. The carabinieri and Spisal will have to shed light on the exact dynamics of the accident and the presence of safety equipment on the machinery.

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