Home » Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor: I hope the elections are fair, open, fair and clean, efficient and humane

Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor: I hope the elections are fair, open, fair and clean, efficient and humane

by admin

Original title: Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor: I hope that the elections will be fair, open, just and clean, efficient and humane

China News Service, Hong Kong, December 19 (Reporter Han Xingtong) On December 19, the general election of the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region was held. At about 9 am, the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Carrie Lam went to the polling station to vote. When meeting with reporters later, she expressed the hope that this election will be fair, open, just and clean, as well as efficient and humane election arrangements.

At about 9 a.m. that day, Carrie Lam and her husband went to the polling station set up at the High Bishop’s College to vote. She said that this legislative council election is the first legislative council election after the election system has been improved, and it is of great significance. The order inside and outside the polling station was very good. When she and her husband came to the polling station to vote, it was not only to fulfill civic responsibilities and exercise the right to vote, but also to cast an important vote for the future of Hong Kong.

Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor said that in this election, many convenient arrangements have been made for voters, including that voters can check the waiting status of voting stations online; and set up caring teams for the elderly, pregnant women and other people in need, so that they do not have to wait too much to vote. Long time; use the voter register and increase the ballot counter, etc. She revealed that all polling stations in Hong Kong had been opened smoothly that morning, and there were no special circumstances.

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She continued that the SAR government mobilized about 40,000 civil servants and public officials to assist in this election. They will stick to their posts and do a good job in elections to ensure that the election is fair, open, just and clean, and efficient and humane. Election arrangements.

Carrie Lam also said that in the past two years or so, Hong Kong has experienced very severe challenges. To ensure the stability and long-term development of “One Country, Two Systems” and the long-term stability of Hong Kong require close cooperation between the executive and the legislature. The 153 candidates for this Legislative Council election have all been reviewed by the Qualification Review Committee and reached the standard of “patriots ruling Hong Kong”. These candidates have different backgrounds and positions, come from different professions and classes, and are broadly representative. Carrie Lam believes that after they enter the Legislative Council, they will also bring different voices.

Carrie Lam promised that when the term of the new Legislative Council begins, she will fully cooperate with legislators and listen to their opinions, so that the SAR government’s policies will reflect public opinion and create a better future for Hong Kong. (Finish)Return to Sohu to see more


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