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Many ignore these 5 things to do every day to significantly lower high cholesterol in no time

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Cholesterol levels can drift away from optimal values ​​without triggering any symptoms and for this reason many people don’t even know they are high. In general, from a certain age everyone should start checking it: in the case of men from 35 years of age, for women after 45 years. For some situations, however, it may be appropriate to start much earlier. It is recommended for people with diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease or with strong inheritance from cardiovascular disease.


Cholesterol is a fat that our body uses for the regular functioning of cell membranes, for the production of hormones and for the synthesis of vitamin D. It can be produced naturally by the liver or introduced from the outside through food.

There are two types of cholesterol: bad or LDL and good or HDL. The first contributes to the formation of accumulations of fat in the vessels, increasing the chances of developing some cardiovascular diseases. The second, on the other hand, acts as a “scavenger” freeing the vessels and contributing to the elimination of a large part of the LDL cholesterol present.

Optimal total cholesterol levels should not exceed 200 mg / dl, while LDL cholesterol levels in healthy subjects should not exceed 100 mg / dl. Among the factors that could alter it are: genetic conditions, health conditions, unregulated diet, excessive sedentary lifestyle and obesity.

Many ignore these 5 things to do every day to significantly lower high cholesterol in no time

If blood tests have revealed the presence of high cholesterol, lifestyle changes need to be made in a short time to lower it. Unfortunately on some factors it is not possible to intervene, while others are modifiable through a correction of one’s habits.

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First of all, you have to choose the type of fats to take well. Saturated fats, contained for example in butter, lard, sausages, fatty meat, should be avoided or strongly limited. The same can be said of trans fats, contained in baked goods such as sweets, biscuits and snacks. These would help to increase bad cholesterol levels, so unsaturated ones should be preferred, first of all olive oil.

Foods such as fresh and dried fruit, vegetables, legumes and cereals are rich in soluble fiber and are very good for the body.

The same must be said of fish, rich in omega 3, ideal for lowering blood cholesterol. Among the most recommended are salmon, tuna, mackerel, herring and sardines. Beware of crustaceans and molluscs.

Among the recommended measures there would also be to avoid excessive salt intake. Flavoring dishes with delicious spices and herbs would help prevent and counteract many ailments, including high cholesterol.

Last but not least, there are physical activity and stress. Walking 30 minutes a day would lower LDL levels and put you in a good mood. Stress, in fact, would lead to metabolic changes that would affect cardiovascular health and cholesterol.

Many ignore these 5 things to do every day to significantly lower high cholesterol in a short time, which are necessary to keep the body healthy.

(The information in this article is for informational purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings given. WHO”)

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