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From Cagliari there are signs of life, but being saved will be very hard

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The company’s measures stimulated the group that reacted. The club is already on the market, four reinforcements are needed. Godin and Oliva to greetings

SENT TO TURIN. Perhaps the measures adopted by the club that punished Godin Caceres, not summoned for the transfer to Turin, had the desired effect. Not in terms of results but in terms of performance, yes. Against Juventus we saw a lively team on the pitch, with a fighting spirit, which knows how to suffer and sacrifice itself. Had she taken advantage of the opportunities she had built up, perhaps she would have come home with a precious stitch. Mazzarri is not in question, the company has decided that it will go ahead with him. For better or for worse. The coach has not lost the confidence to perform a small miracle in the second round. «The season has become complicated – the words of the Cagliari coach -. We are putting a lot of our effort into it and we have to get out of it. We owe it to the club, to ourselves, to the fans who are suffering. The goal is to give them the joys they deserve by going out on the pitch with the attitude seen on Tuesday in all matches ».

Desire for revenge. The team feels stuck in pride. The group wants to show that it is worth much more than the inconvenient penultimate step of the ranking says. “We must give the answer on the field – underlines the helmsman of the rossoblù without frills -. The speech is not addressed only to the players but to myself and my collaborators. Everyone has to give their best, words are useless ». The technician suffers, he did not expect to experience these difficulties. “If we are at this point, everyone is to blame, everyone must take their own responsibilities. When you fall so low, even strong decisions must be made because the course must be reversed. I believe in work, in being together, only in this way can we become a team and get out of the negative moment ».

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Awakening. One of the positive notes of the away match in Turin was Grassi. The midfielder is improving physically and dynamically. «From the new year – he said – we must learn to transform scoring opportunities into points. We are training well and the work will pay off. A victory could unlock us definitively ». He is not a director but Marin’s absence forced him to play a role that is not his own. «Some injury blocked me. Now I’m fine and I put myself at the complete disposal of the coach. I want to give Cagliari a great player ».

Market. Godin has his suitcase ready. La Liga awaits him. Atletico Madrid on pole but there is also Betis. Caceres risks becoming a “burden”, while Dalbert has requests in Brazil. Yes, the company is reflecting on him. Strootman should be back in mid-late January, while Oliva should leave. Keita is ready to respond to Senegal’s call-up for the Africa Cup of Nations. At least four purchases are required. Ball to ds Capozucca, he has the task of putting the right pieces in an incomplete puzzle.

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