Home » Protect the heart and prevent cardiovascular disease with vitamin D

Protect the heart and prevent cardiovascular disease with vitamin D

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Incorporating the right amount of vitamin D into your diet is essential to protect the heart and prevent cardiovascular disease.

Protect the heart with foods containing vitamin D (photo from Pixabay)

Incorporating the right amount of vitamin D into your diet is essential to protect the heart and prevent it cardiovascular diseases. According to some research, people who are deficient in this vitamin are more prone to cardiovascular disease, strokes and heart attacks. For this reason, the integration of vitamin D is essential for our body.

Thanks to vitamin D we can reduce the risk of some heart related diseases and lower the death rate from heart attacks or strokes. This vitamin is a hormone necessary for our well-being, as it improves the body’s immune response. Vitamin D increases the immune system and plays the main role in regulating calcium metabolism and bone metabolism.

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Why is vitamin D essential for the body?

Vitamin D supplements, essential for those who lack it
Vitamin D supplements, essential for those who lack it (photo from Pixabay)

The lack of this vitamin would lead to greater difficulties in fighting infections, bacteria and viruses that infest our body. When we get an infection, we lower the internal level of this vitamin. If we are lacking them, we are more subject to virus attacks. But scientific research has shown that a vitamin D deficiency carries greater risks for cardiovascular disease.

Not only cardiovascular diseases, but also cancers and autoimmune diseases, cognitive deficits, such as Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis, various allergies, obesity and depression. In short, vitamin D is a very important hormone in our diet and for our daily life. One of the most recent studies, such as the one conducted by researchers fromAustralian Centre for Precision Health, in Australia, highlighted this link.

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Through studies on genetics, it has been found that people deficient in this vitamin are more prone to contract diseases of this type. In particular those related to blood circulation. Being deficient in vitamin D means you are at twice the risk of contracting diseases than others, which is why it is important to take supplements.

Proper nutrition, rich in vitamin D, or taking supplements, would be a good thing. Vitamin D is produced almost entirely by the body, through the function of UVB rays, which are stored in the liver. The rest is taken with food. To collect the data, the researchers analyzed 500,000 patients, aged between 37 and 73, over the course of three years.

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Through the blood sample of the patients, it was possible to make this statistic and highlight the importance of vitamin D on health. It also emerged that more than half of the patients, given the incorrect diet, was deficient in vitamin D.. More than 10% had severe deficiencies that could have compromised heart health. Vitamin D is essential for preventing disease, which is why it must be taken in the right quantities. Protect your heart and think about your well-being.

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