Home » Drama on the motocross track, falls and dies at 24

Drama on the motocross track, falls and dies at 24

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The victim is Marco Celotto, 24, from Treviso from San Polo di Piave. It happened in Aquileia, just before 4pm on Friday 24th, during a training session

AQUILEIA. Drama on the motocross track, dies at 24. It happened in Aquileia, just before 4pm on Friday 24 December, during a training session. The victim is Marco Celotto, 24, from San Polo di Piave.

The conditions of the young man, as reported by the Messaggero Veneto, immediately appeared very serious to the 118 health workers, who tried for a long time to revive him.

According to an initial reconstruction, the boy was making a jump and fell badly with the bike. He died instantly. It all happened under the eyes of the father, who was present and was recording a video. On the spot, the 118 health workers and the carabinieri of the Aquileia and Pavia di Udine stations.

The motorbike was the passion of a lifetime for Marco. With his number 64 he competed for the “The riders factory” motorcycle club in San Donà di Piave. A contagious passion, supported by dad, mom and sister. His Insagram profile tells it better than any word: races, jumps, smiles, cups. This year he graduated as North-East expert mx2 champion and vicempione triveneto expert mx2. The drama left everyone speechless.

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