Home » A 19-year-old armed man broke into Windsor Gardens, where the Queen was giving her Christmas speech

A 19-year-old armed man broke into Windsor Gardens, where the Queen was giving her Christmas speech

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A gunman was arrested on the grounds of Windsor Castle today, Christmas Day, when the Queen gave her traditional greeting speech. The young man had entered the gardens around 8.30 local time, but was unable to enter any building. It is a 19-year-old from Southampton, who was arrested on charges of entering a secure site and possessing an offensive weapon. Queen Elizabeth II is celebrating Christmas in Windsor this year, after canceling the traditional plans, which would have seen her go to Sandringham.

Thames Valley Police said the young man did not enter any of the buildings and that members of the royal family have been informed. Investigations are ongoing. The Queen in her speech recalled her husband, who recently passed away, encouraging everyone to celebrate Christmas with friends and family despite the pain and difficulties caused by Covid.


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