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We bought an Xbox, and it’s amazing that it’s amazing

by admin

Here in the editorial office we love video games, and it couldn’t be otherwise: on the site there is a dedicated section (it’s this one), we have a co-worker and a couple of co-workers specialized on the subject and even we, despite the years that pass, do not give up on dedicating ourselves from time to time to one of our first nerd passions.

A passion that has never been more difficult to cultivate than in the last year: the two main consoles, the Xbox (especially in the more powerful X version) and the PlayStation 5 they are practically unavailable and unavailable and even with the smallest Switch you need a little luck, especially if you want it in the new OLED version. This despite the fact that both major consoles, that of Microsoft and that of Sony, have been available for over a year, respectively from 10 and 19 November 2020. In short, it is not the fault of the novelty effect, as it could have been during the last Christmas season, but it is probably fault (also) of the so-called chip crisis and also the coronavirus pandemic, which has complicated the already complicated dynamics of transport and logistics.

But it is also a little fault of bad programming, and it’s time to say it: from two giants like Microsoft and Sony it would have been legitimate to expect a greater ability to imagine the future and run for cover, a bit like it does Apple, which hardly goes into crisis to keep up with the demand of consumers (if you buy an iPhone 13 today, you get it tomorrow). It would have been legitimate to expect this, especially since we have been struggling with the same problem for over a year.

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Video games

Happy birthday, Xbox: the anti-PlayStation blows out 20 candles

by Icilio Bellanima, Emanuele Capone, Alessandra Contin

Unbelievable but true: we bought an Xbox Series X
Be that as it may, the point is another. The point is that in the editorial office, after trying for a long time (more or less from the beginning of December, with increasing intensity over the last 10 days), we finally managed to buy an Xbox X. Indeed, one Xbox Series X, which is his full name.

How did we do it? Using the Update key (F5) a lot on the Amazon page dedicated to the console (it’s this one), which seems the only sensible advice to give to those who want to try to make it: keep it open in the browser and reload it every now and then, hoping to be lucky. We were there around 10 this morning, Tuesday 28 December, but really lucky: 40 minutes later, the console was unavailable again. Better: available at robbery prices, 649 euros plus another 268 for delivery, for a total of 917 euros for a console that should cost 499.

With the PlayStation 5 it goes more or less the same, if not worse: on Amazon, which remains the safest and fastest channel at the moment it is not available, except by paying 999 or 945 euros (here the delivery costs 95 euros). Again, against a list price of 499 euros.

It is difficult to imagine when this situation will end and when we will be able to return to normal from the point of view of the supply of electronic components: according to many analysts, the chip crisis will likely continue throughout 2022. With all due respect to us gamers, who will inevitably end up dedicating ourselves to something else, as indeed there is we had recommended here before Christmas. Before getting lucky, that is.


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