Home » Letta: grateful to Mattarella for how he led the country through the many crises. Salvini: successor is last not elected by Italians

Letta: grateful to Mattarella for how he led the country through the many crises. Salvini: successor is last not elected by Italians

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Salvini, successor is last not elected by Italians

«Thanks to President Mattarella, for everything and for everything – said Salvini-. We share with the President the pride and gratitude for all Italians, from health personnel, to volunteers and law enforcement, who have shown responsibility, patience, dignity, strength and courage in months of serious difficulties ». “We thank the President for the commitment of these years – he added – and we assure him that Lega and Center-right will be determined and decisive for the choice of his successor, we hope the last not directly elected by the Italian people”.

Conte, the Head of State paints a commitment to which we cannot escape

«Mattarella’s words – underlined the president of the M5s Giuseppe Conte on Facebook – paint the horizon of a political commitment that we cannot escape from. The need to hand over the baton to our young people; the need to counter precariousness and inequalities by looking reality in the face without filters of convenience; the challenge of the ecological and digital transition. And then the appeal to the unity and responsibility of each one in these difficult moments in which we must be united, finding in solidarity, in cohesion, in moral strength the hope and the trust to never allow ourselves to be discouraged ». “These are all messages that reinforce the pride I feel in having lived – together with all Italian citizens – the hardest moments of recent years, being able to count on a guide that is always attentive to the real needs of people, to the general interest, to the good of Italy. Thank you President Mattarella, from all of us ”, concluded the former Prime Minister.

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Melons, whoever has a patriotic spirit be elected

«A sincere thanks to President Mattarella for his farewell words, high and of great institutional value. His speech of moving closeness to Italians from all walks of life, the stimulus to continue to raise one’s head and thanks to the categories and to the men of the institutions, make this end-of-year message the worthy high and noble conclusion of a difficult seven-year period. His is the best wish that a person capable of carrying out the high magisterium with the patriotic spirit that serves our Italy rises to the highest of the institutions. In thanking him again we join in his wish ». Thus the leader of FdI, Giorgia Meloni, commenting on the last message of Sergio Mattarella’s seven-year career.

Brunetta, extraordinary speech on the present

In a note, the Minister for Public Administration, Renato Brunetta thanked the Head of State “for his sincere, non-rhetorical, essential words. He reminded us in a few minutes of the fundamentals of our community, the value of responsibility, national unity and cohesion. He clarified, once again, how vaccines have saved and are saving thousands of lives. An opportunity that is insulting to waste. Thank you, President, for using very clear words about our duties, beyond selfishness. Thank you for quoting Professor Pietro Carmina and his heartfelt exhortation to young people: ‘You are not the future, you are the present’. Here, President Mattarella, yours was an extraordinary speech on the present. On the reasons for our being together today as an Italian and European people who can look to tomorrow with confidence. The “authentic face of Italy” – he concluded – will be able to take up the challenge ».

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Di Maio, thanks, has taken on the entire country on his shoulders

According to the Minister of Foreign Affairs Luigi Di Maio, M5s, Mattarella is «the symbol of national unity. He has always conveyed trust, certainty and serenity. Thanks to President Mattarella, who – recalled Di Maio on Facebook – in the darkest moments and in the face of the fragility of a people torn apart by the pandemic, has taken the whole country on his shoulders “.

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