Home » Animated movie “Towards Brighter” Beijing premiere, big celebrities gather to return to childhood and rave reviews_TOM Entertainment

Animated movie “Towards Brighter” Beijing premiere, big celebrities gather to return to childhood and rave reviews_TOM Entertainment

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On January 8, the animated film “Towards the Brightness”, directed by seven directors, Lan Qianya, Li Nianze, Zhao Yi, Yu Kun, Liu Gaoxiang, Liu Maoning, and Chen Chen, was produced in Beijing by Gu Chen and Zhu Yantong. “Return to Childhood·Looking for Innocence” premiere! Directors such as Chen Chen, Lan Qianya, Yu Kun, Liu Maoning, Li Nianze, Liu Gaoxiang and other directors showed up the mysterious gifts in the creation and brought pure touch to the audience. As a sincere work that condenses the “love and beauty” of the Chinese people, the film is adapted from seven original picture books. It brings a wonderful visual feast to movie fans with simple stories, healing style, and warm core. And it has won the competition from all walks of life such as Xing Ying, the founder of Quanqing Animation, and Li Danfeng, the voice director of Mo Feiying.

The main creators gather to use painting as a guide to express the innocent domestic animation youth power to create new possibilities

At the premiere scene, Chen Chen, the director of the chapter “Winged Child’s Sunday”, Lan Qianya, the director of the “Little Rabbit Problem” chapter, Yu Kun, the director of the chapter “Old Man Kuai’s Sugar Shop”, and “Grandma’s Blue Tin Cabinet” Liu Maoning, the director of the “Wheelchair” chapter, Li Nianze, the director of the “Firefly Girl” chapter, and Liu Gaoxiang, the director of the “General Hum and General Ha” chapter, appeared one by one, and talked with the audience about the behind-the-scenes mentality of the film creation stage. As these stories express about growth and separation, the curtain call of life, brotherly feelings, family love, and the love of generations, we will still be touched. The directors ingeniously used paintings created by themselves as gifts to the audience, and completed a “rebate of love” across the screen.

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Animated film

Subsequently, the directors also shared the original ingenuity story behind the film creation with the audience, showing the original intention and perseverance of the young creators. The seven directors have received professional studies in top animation professional colleges in Britain, France, the United States, Japan and other countries, and they are all endorsed by international animation art awards. They are the most creative and imaginative independent animation directors of the contemporary era. Adhering to the original intention of conveying goodness and beauty, they have brought a simple and pure ingenuity to movie fans with rich forms such as watercolor, ink, hand-painted, and paper-cutting. Not only has it opened a diverse, joyous and exciting “childhood treasure” for both children and adults, it has also opened up new possibilities for domestic animated films.

Animated film

Childlike innocence has been certified by movie fans

At the scene of the movie, the movie “Towards the Brighter Side” was highly praised by fans for its childlike picture book style, innocent children’s world, and the innocent expressions of the directors. It is such an innocent, loving, and healing movie that brings the warmth and touch that we have been missing for a long time. There was even a parent who took her child from the training class to watch the premiere. She said excitedly after watching the film: “Watching this movie is more meaningful than the child’s training class. The theme of this movie is very different. In practical terms, the directors are also expressing themselves with originality. It is very grounded and suitable for parents like us, because it talks about our anxiety and confusion and has a healing function.

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Animated film

Animated film

In addition, “Sanlian Life Weekly” chief writer Chen Sai, former president of People’s Fine Arts Publishing House Wang Jiaming, founder of Quanqing Animation Xing Ying, New York Times Top Ten Picture Book Creator Jin Xiaojing and other big figures from all walks of life also came to the scene. After watching the movie, a number of celebrities talked about their experience of watching the movie, and highly affirmed that the movie has made Chinese animated movies more possible. Xing Ying shared: “Such a movie is suitable for children, parents, and young people who are working hard.” In addition, Jin Xiaojing said: “I saw a lot of courageous people in this movie. , Is guarding the innocence and the beauty.” It is worth mentioning that the film and painting sound guide Li Danfeng, who has gained fame with works such as “The Last Night of the Earth” and “Burst Silent”, also came to the event. He and his son. “Father and son files” are on the battlefield to jointly support the creation of the film.

Animated film

Animated film

The animated film “Towards the Brighter Side” is produced by Shanghai Benlai Films Co., Ltd., Shanghai Huangdou Network Technology Co., Ltd., Youyang (Tianjin) Animation Culture Media Co., Ltd., Beijing Kaisheng Culture Media Co., Ltd., and Sanwu Ho (Xiamen) Technology Produced by Education Co., Ltd. The film has been jointly recommended by Fan Deng and Uncle Kai, and will be screened warmly on January 15. A journey of love is about to heal!


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