Home » The number of newly confirmed cases in many countries has broken a record, and strengthening vaccination is still the key to epidemic prevention – yqqlm

The number of newly confirmed cases in many countries has broken a record, and strengthening vaccination is still the key to epidemic prevention – yqqlm

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</p> <p> The number of newly confirmed cases in many countries has broken a record, and strengthening vaccination is still the key to epidemic prevention – yqqlm<br />

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The number of newly confirmed cases in many countries has broken a record, and strengthening vaccination is still the key to epidemic prevention

2022-01-16 11:50

Source: CCTV News


2022-01-16 11:50

Securities Times e company news, since the first case of omicron strain infection in Latin America and the Caribbean was discovered in Brazil at the end of November last year, the strain has gradually developed into the main new coronavirus variant strain circulating in the region. Entering 2022, many countries in Latin America and the Caribbean continue to set records for the number of new cases in a single day. Experts said that strengthening vaccination and personal protection is still the key link in epidemic prevention and control. (CCTV News)

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    The number of newly confirmed cases in many countries has broken a record, and strengthening vaccination is still the key to epidemic prevention


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