Home » Alleghe, these are days of fire Today goes to Pergine, then the Cup

Alleghe, these are days of fire Today goes to Pergine, then the Cup

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Incomplete roster at the home of a direct rival for fourth place on the playoff grid.


Not yet complete, but intending to live a week as a protagonist. After having rested in the previous round, the Alleghe descends on the ice again. Tonight at 6:45 pm he plays in Pergine, on the third day of the Serie B Master round. On Tuesday evening he replicates in inverted fields, but this time for the quarter-finals of the Italian Cup. Up for grabs a place in the final four on Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd January. In short, the season of the Owls comes to life. Coach Alessandro Fontana is certainly back on the bench after a period of unavailability. The coach from Allegresi draws the line to obtain the first victory of the second part of the season: his debut in the Master has in fact coincided with a knockout against Caldaro.

«We are not yet complete», Fontana points out, «we will define some recoveries at the last minute, after the evaluations of the case. Of course, the staff is a bit short but between Covid, injuries and so on, it is a situation common to many teams this year. We are certainly heading towards an important week ».

In the first part of the season, the Alleghe beat Pergine on both occasions. By eye with the Trentino people they will duel until the end of the season for fourth place in the playoff grid.

“I’m an opponent to watch out for, because she certainly doesn’t lack individualities. Maximum defensive attention is urgently needed, as well as knowing how to capitalize on the opportunities in the goal zone ».

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The Coppa Italia scheduled for Tuesday, however, is almost the primary objective now, if only being the most imminent one.

«On Tuesday we will have to count on more players than this time. Let’s not underestimate Pergine’s challenge, God forbid. But it is clear that next week we intend to try to win the trophy ».

Today’s game will be open to the public, in compliance with Covid regulations. However, the Pergine will guarantee the live streaming of the challenge for a fee, via a link on its Facebook page available on the match event once the purchase has been made. The usual live broadcast on Radio Più (www. Radiopiu. Net) has also been confirmed in the program “Hockey al puntoright”, conducted in the studio by Marco Gaz and which will see the interventions by Federico Paganin’s Pergine.

Day 3 Master Round: Pergine – Alleghe (6:45 pm), Valdifiemme – Caldaro. Rest: Unterland.

Classification: Caldaro, Valdifiemme, Unterland 15, Pergine 13, Alleghe 11. (Valdifiemme and Alleghe one race less).

Day 3 Qualification Round: Dobbiaco – Varese, Como – Appiano. Rest: Bressanone.

Classification: Dobbiaco 11, Varese 10, Como 8, Bressanone 4, Appiano 2. (Como one game less). –

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