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here’s how to boost their immune defenses

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Protecting the little ones in their first years of life is essential. Here’s how to boost children’s immunity

Never as in the last two years of pandemic it proved so important to take care of immunitary defense of our organism. This means training and keeping our body healthy, in view of possible dangerous pathogens.

But what about the smaller instead? It turns out to be even more important to intervene and deal with them effectively and judiciously. In this article, we tell you what the experts are saying and what their recommendations are for increase the immune defenses of children.

Here’s how to boost children’s immunity

With the arrival ofWinter, the dangers of ailments for the little ones. In this period of the year, in fact, children are more exposed to diseases, especially infectious, which can keep them at home for a shorter or longer period.


It is therefore very important to understand how increase the immune defenses of children, while they are still in an important phase of development. Furthermore, the opening of schools increases the risk for them and their health, due to the numerous opportunities for contact with other children.

However, you can try to prevent the danger of diseases for the little ones, acting on what are the most common habits in the family. This would then allow you to hire a healthier life and strengthen their immune defenses.


The Advice is therefore to stimulate some correct behaviors already in the first years of a child’s life, we are therefore talking about:

  • Get moving: remember not to keep your baby at home too much. Stimulate their movement, do some walks outdoors or gods games of movement indoors. This will stimulate growth, promote appetite and serenity;
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  • Sleep well: rest is important, it is therefore necessary to dedicate at least 6/7 hours per night to allow the body to resume all energy. Remember to avoid the constant presence of electronic devices before they go to sleep;


  • Balanced nutrition: it is very important that children lead one vita to you it’s a’balanced nutrition. This means a diet rich in legumes, vegetables, fruits, whole grains and nuts.

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