Home » Slovenian companies that set up representative offices with Taiwan were cut off? | Taiwan | The Epoch Times

Slovenian companies that set up representative offices with Taiwan were cut off? | Taiwan | The Epoch Times

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[The Epoch Times, January 23, 2022](The Epoch Times reporter Xu Cuiling reported in Taipei, Taiwan) Slovenia is negotiating with Taiwan to set up representative offices. Foreign media reports pointed out that some Chinese companies have cancelled contracts, withdrawn from cooperation projects, and even regretted the negotiated contracts or terminated the sale of goods. Some scholars believe that despite the possible losses, China is ready to start a trade war with Slovenia.

Slovenia’s exports to China amounted to 300 million euros. The report pointed out that the top three Slovenian exports to China in 2020 are electrical machinery equipment and parts, accounting for 21%, with an export value of more than 58 million euros; nuclear reaction-related boilers, machinery, and equipment accounted for 17%, and exports worth more than 4‚8 million euros; vehicle components accounted for 16%, nearly 4‚5 million euros.

According to a Slovenian TV report, the Slovenian Chamber of Commerce stated that some Slovenian companies have received letters from Chinese manufacturers to cancel contracts and withdraw from cooperation projects, and also received some messages to terminate online or physical product sales; some manufacturers Then they go back on the cooperation that has been negotiated. Some Slovenian businessmen took Lithuania as a model and began to try to transfer the market to other countries in the EU.

Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Janša said in an interview with Indian TV on the 17th that Slovenia is negotiating with Taiwan on the establishment of representative offices and expressed support for the self-determination of the future of the Taiwanese people. Aleš Cantarutti, director-general of the Slovenian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, revealed that he has received protests from businesses dissatisfied with the Prime Minister’s speech.

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Zmago Jelinčič, chairman of the Slovenian National Party, criticized Jansa’s statement as wrong and would cause damage to Slovenia and the economy.

Economic expert Matej Lahovnik believes these so-called losses may not be quite right because it is not clear which companies are affected and which businesses are cancelled.

Kosdevts, a professor at the School of Economics and Business at the University of Ljubriana, mentioned that Slovenia is in the Chinese market-oriented supply chain. If China blocks products containing Slovenian ingredients from entering the market, German or French companies may also cancel orders. What should Slovenian companies do?

Kosdevts said that the CCP is ready to launch an economic and trade war against Slovenia, a small country with not very close economic and trade ties. Although this may cause losses, the CCP is trying to prove their “political rights”.

The Foreign Affairs Committee of the Slovenian Congress is expected to hold a meeting on the 28th. In addition to discussing the fishing rights agreement with neighboring Croatia in Piran Bay, the opposition alliance is also preparing to discuss the decision of Taiwan and Slovenia to set up representative offices. .

Editor in charge: Lu Meiqi

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