Home » Bills, Confindustria: the government has a hand in energy policy

Bills, Confindustria: the government has a hand in energy policy

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“I hope that the government does not allow itself to be dominated by a latent electoral campaign for a year, and puts a hand to the structural energy policy for the country.” Thus Aurelio Regina, president of the Confindustria Energy Technical Group, in an event organized by Unindustria to investigate the question of expensive energy “Price increase: causes, impacts, prospects”.

Political forces must meet businesses

“The government must urgently implement a series of measures that have an impact” both “on price” and “on supplies,” added Aurelio Regina, president of Confindustria’s technical energy group. This – explained Regina – is “yet another alarm cry: the forces that support the government must take on the political responsibility of meeting businesses. These crises come out in two ways: either businesses blow up or everything is discharged for consumption “, then” the citizens “pay.

Luckily there is the Tap

«The Tap luckily we did it. It is one of our fundamental measures », Regina stressed. «We have a diversified mix – adds Regina – but still very dependent on Russia. And given the tension in that market area right now, here comes the increases ».

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