Home » Graziano Massaferro, historical cook of the Eden Cafè in Treviso, has died

Graziano Massaferro, historical cook of the Eden Cafè in Treviso, has died

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Graziano Massaferro, 79, was originally from Calice Ligure

He had been ill for some time, he leaves his beloved wife Mary, his partner in work and in life until the last day, his son Pietro and his daughter Valentina

TREVISO. He had brought the flavors and joviality of his land, Liguria, to the Treviso area.

For many years, since 2005, he has been the soul of the Eden Cafè in viale XI Luglio, together with his son Pietro: Graziano Massaferro passed away on Saturday at the age of 79.

He had been ill for some time, he leaves his beloved wife Mary, his partner in work and in life until the last day, his son Pietro and daughter Valentina.

There are many Treviso people, and not only those who associate with him the moments spent in one of the clubs which, in fifteen years of activity, has been able to offer the city a new style, made up of live music (something more unique than rare for the center of Treviso) and aperitifs “reinforced” by a wide range of buffet dishes inspired by the Genoese tradition. Graziano Massaferro, originally from Calice Ligure, before arriving in Treviso had traveled the world from Genoa to Tenerife, immediately specializing in the catering sector.

A stone’s throw from the Stiore he had supported his son Pietro’s Eden Cafè by managing the kitchen together with his wife Mary. He also taught many Treviso people to cook: more than 150 were the students who in fact attended his cooking courses for Arci.

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“Among the Ligurian meatballs, incredible pasta dishes and the unmistakable pesto has fed the Eden Cafè enthusiasts at all hours as well as the many musicians and artists who have passed through the 15-year history of the place that closed last year” is the memory of friends. On Monday from 16 to 18 in the “funeral home” the family members await the many acquaintances for their last farewell, then he will be cremated and his ashes will rest forever in his Ligurian chalice.

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