Home » US unveils Indo-Pacific strategic plan focused on countering China

US unveils Indo-Pacific strategic plan focused on countering China

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US unveils Indo-Pacific strategic plan focused on countering China

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The U.S. unveiled its Indo-Pacific strategic plan, vowing to devote more diplomatic and security resources to the region to counter what Washington says is China’s attempt to establish a sphere of influence in the region and become the world‘s most influential country. In a strategic review document titled “U.S. Indo-Pacific Strategy” released by the White House, the United States will focus on all corners of the Indo-Pacific region, from South Asia to the Pacific islands, to strengthen the United States‘ position and commitment.

“The People’s Republic of China is combining its economic, diplomatic, military and technological strengths while seeking a sphere of influence in the Indo-Pacific,” VOA reported today, the more than ten pages of the U.S. Indo-Pacific Strategy. , and seek to become the most influential power in the world.” The document said: “Our collective efforts over the next decade will determine whether the People’s Republic of China will succeed in transforming the rules and norms that benefit the Indo-Pacific and the world.”

The release of the Indo-Pacific strategy document by the White House comes as U.S. Secretary of State Blinken is touring the Indo-Pacific region to underscore the importance the United States places on the region, while Washington grapples with a standoff with Moscow in Europe. Russia has assembled more than 100,000 troops near the Ukrainian border. The West fears that Russia will invade Ukraine.

Just last week, Chinese leaders Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin met in Beijing, and the two countries issued a joint statement saying there was “no end to their strategic cooperation”, the report said. The two countries jointly expressed their opposition to the United States and their desire to create a new international order based on their own interpretations of human rights and democracy. This is the most detailed and powerful joint statement China and Russia have ever issued in this regard.

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In the document, the United States vowed to modernize alliances, strengthen emerging partnerships and invest in regional organizations. The document specifically highlights the important role of “One Strong India” as a partner in a positive regional vision.

The United States will seek to forge a “free and open Indo-Pacific” “through a strong and mutually reinforcing network of alliances,” the report said. Under an action plan for the next 12 to 24 months, Washington will “meaningfully expand” its diplomatic presence in Southeast Asia and the Pacific islands, and make key negotiations with Pacific island nations a priority, the document said. Those talks, which cover U.S. military access, appear to have stalled for the past year. “We will focus on Indo-Pacific security assistance, including building maritime capabilities and maritime awareness,” the document said.

On the highly sensitive Taiwan issue, the document said Washington will work with partners inside and outside the region to maintain peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait, according to the report. The action plan also vows to expand the U.S. Coast Guard’s presence and cooperation in South Asia, Southeast Asia and the Pacific. Washington believes that China threatens fishing and free trade routes in these waters.

“We recognize that our ability to change China is limited and therefore try to shape the strategic environment around China,” a senior U.S. administration official told reporters, adding that the document did not include the Biden administration. The authorities’ broader China strategy.

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