Home » Whoever regularly does this activity that helps to deflate the belly and could ward off diabetes will earn 700 euros

Whoever regularly does this activity that helps to deflate the belly and could ward off diabetes will earn 700 euros

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Whoever regularly does this activity that helps to deflate the belly and could ward off diabetes will earn 700 euros

Healthy nutrition and an active lifestyle are essential to ensure a long and peaceful life. But this doesn’t mean giving up the pleasures of food and the table or destroying yourself in the gym. As in all things, in medio stat virtus. Eating healthy, in fact, allows us to know the qualities of the foods we consume and prepare them so as not to lose their nutritional properties.

For example, the most recommended cooking methods in order not to lose the nutritional properties of fish, such as omega 3, are baked in foil or in the oven and steamed. In the same way, having an active style does not mean overdoing the gym, in fact a simple regular walk may be enough. But not everyone knows that whoever does this activity every day will earn 700 euros. This is supported by the World Health Organization, as the Veronesi Foundation reports on its web pages.

The importance of a very useful exercise

Walking is essential not only to keep in line, but also to strengthen the musculoskeletal system. This exercise can be considered a real primary and secondary prevention activity. In fact, walking every day can help keep many diseases away, as it strengthens the muscles, helps cardiovascular endurance, counteracts obesity and diabetes.

Just as it can help reduce the effects of many pathologies. For example, a walk of about 22 minutes can make us dispose of a glass of wine without making us feel guilty. But the most curious thing is that at the end of the year those who take a walk regularly will earn 700 euros, as stated on the portal of the Veronesi Foundation.

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In fact, walking regularly can save us money from an economic point of view and bring incredible benefits to our health. By carrying out this daily activity, we could fight the main chronic diseases that afflict most people, such as diabetes, osteoporosis and even cancer. In addition, walking outdoors, in contact with nature, is good for the mood, drives away anxiety, stress and nervousness. In fact, it would seem that the brain and neurons are activated with 10 minutes of brisk walking.

Whoever regularly does this activity that helps to deflate the belly and could ward off diabetes will earn 700 euros

Therefore, in addition to the well-being of the body, it would seem that walking every day, regularly, can also be good for our pockets. In fact, as the Veronesi Foundation reports, to stay fit and at the same time save money, the best activity to practice is walking. A daily walk of about 3 km can save up to 700 euros a year. This thesis, as reported by the authoritative Veronesi Foundation, was supported by the World Health Organization in relation to European lifestyles. In particular, walking every day saves money in terms of car consumption. Therefore, walking about 3 km a day without using the car saves us a lot in terms of fuel consumption and maintenance. Or it also saves us the expenses related to the use of public transport.

Therefore, even if certainly in front of the supreme good of life, the economic aspect is only secondary, but this could be one more reason. Maybe, at the end of the year with the money saved, you could opt for a small trip or a nice personal gift.

(The information in this article is for informational purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings regarding this article and the author’s responsibilities which can be consulted. WHO”)

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