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How to resist cryptocurrencies? – The print

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How to resist cryptocurrencies?  – The print

Watching the Super Bowl can sometimes help to imagine the future. Not the football game. But the commercials. The tradition has been going on since 1984, when Steve Jobs to unveil Apple’s first MacIntosh, a personal computer that would change the market, commissioned to Ridley Scott, director of Blade Runnera commercial that has gone down in history.

It was called just 1984like George Orwell’s novel, and you see a world inhabited by automatons where an athlete breaks in with a hammer to smash the screen through which Big Brother transmits his message. In that year, fewer than one in 10 households in the United States had a computer; but that commercial showed us the future: computers were about to arrive in our lives.

Listening to this edition of the Super Bowl, the future will be cryptocurrencies: in the spot for Crypto.com, promotes the basketball champion LeBron James, twenty years rejuvenated by a computer; in that of eToro, the phenomenon is presented on the notes of a Frank Sinatra song as a party, social investing; And in that of Ftx we see a famous comedian who compares them to the invention of the wheel, the toilet and the man on the moon, historical moments that were not understood at first. In short, the message of all the commercials aimed to trigger the lever of Fomo, the fear of being excluded from a phenomenon unavoidable.

As he says actor Matt Damon in another commercial, with an Oscar-winning director, in circulation for a month, “throughout history, fortune favors the bold”. They are right? I do not know. But I know they are spending mountains of money to convince us to open a cryptocurrency wallet. After Coinbase’s spot the other night, entitled Less Talk, More Bitcoinwhich promised to give away $ 15 in Bitcoin to anyone, 20 million people rushed to register on the site.

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