Home » Not just running and walking, to lose weight faster and burn fat and calories we could try this exercise to do at home

Not just running and walking, to lose weight faster and burn fat and calories we could try this exercise to do at home

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Not just running and walking, to lose weight faster and burn fat and calories we could try this exercise to do at home

We all would like to show off a toned and lean physique. By the way, keeping fit would also be synonymous with health and well-being. We know very well that it is very important to exercise constantly and regularly. Many people are gym members and follow a personalized training program. Not everyone, however, likes the idea of ​​locking up in the tool room. Especially in this period, when the health emergency has taught us to avoid too crowded places. Many people do home workouts. For example, here are 5 very useful exercises to get more sculpted abs, and 3 more to show off higher and firmer buttocks.
In addition to toning, we must also think about cardiovascular activity. There are fat burning exercises that we can safely do at home too. In fact, as we will explain shortly, not only running and walking can help us lose weight and burn calories.

Aerobic activity is essential for anyone who needs to lose weight. But it is also useful for those of normal weight, because it serves to oxygenate the heart and lungs. It is no coincidence that the expression “take breath” is used in jargon. The cardio activities par excellence are running and cycling. But not only. In fact, zumba and dance courses and even brisk walking are also considered cardio activities. Returning to the case of those who “suffer” from the gym environment, most of the cardio activities can be carried out in the open air. In fact, it is far more enjoyable to run outside than on a treadmill. Not always, however, if you have the opportunity. Both due to lack of time and due to adverse weather. Even in this case, however, home fitness comes to our aid.

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Not just running and walking, to lose weight faster and burn fat and calories we could try this exercise to do at home

In this article we will talk about the jumping jack. Literally it means “explosive leap”. The jumping jack is an exercise that involves the whole body and also activates the metabolism. You start standing, with your feet together and your arms stretched out at your sides.

From this position, jump by spreading your legs and bringing your arms above your head at the same time. Then return to the starting position and continue without pausing. It’s all a matter of coordination.

Start with 20 or 30 consecutive seconds. After that, once you have mastered the rhythm and confidence with the gesture, increase the duration and speed of execution.

While running, always keep your back straight and make sure you have your shoes fastened, otherwise you risk tripping.

Correct breathing is also essential: inhale in the jumping phase when the arms are raised, and then exhale when the legs are closed.

Finally, here is a variant

To avoid the risk of boredom, we can vary the aerobic work by making a variation of the jumping jack, performing it frontally. In practice, we will have to perform the simultaneous movement of the legs and arms, forward and backward. When bringing the left leg back we will have to bring the right arm forward, and vice versa. To give the idea, as if we were puppets. Obviously, the movement must always be done by hopping to get the heartbeat up.

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Finally, in any case, to intensify the work, we can wear anklets and / or wristbands. There are 500 grams or 1 kilo.

So, this exercise will also be very useful for us to burn fat and lose weight, not just running and walking.

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