Home » In addition to cataracts, the blurred vision of myopic, astigmatic and farsighted people could be the harbinger of these diseases to be treated

In addition to cataracts, the blurred vision of myopic, astigmatic and farsighted people could be the harbinger of these diseases to be treated

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In addition to cataracts, the blurred vision of myopic, astigmatic and farsighted people could be the harbinger of these diseases to be treated

Many of us suffer from vision problems. For this we wear contact lenses and glasses.

Without these devices, in fact, the images appear blurry, the outlines are no longer sharp and we are unable to focus the figures. To some people it happens only with distant objects, to others only with close ones and to still others this situation happens at any distance.

All of this, of course, is bound to get worse due to the daily and often exaggerated use we make of cell phones, computers and televisions.

Not just problems related to aging

Perhaps not everyone knows this, but blurred vision can be linked to the presence of various diseases.

The most common (and best known) causes of this disorder are refractive defects, such as myopia, astigmatism and hyperopia. These, however, are not the only reasons.

Difficulty in seeing, in fact, can also reveal cataracts, a problem that tends to emerge after the age of 60 and which is typical of aging. There are, however, other pathologies that can be noticed through the problem of blurred vision.

In addition to cataracts, the blurred vision of myopic, astigmatic and farsighted people could be the harbinger of these diseases to be treated

According to Humanitas, in fact, these visual difficulties that affect the focus of objects can signal various pathologies. Some of these are also visible from the outside, such as, for example, the chalazion.

Also, it sounds unbelievable, yet this could also be a symptom of diabetes. This pathology, in fact, presents itself with various physical consequences, which can affect sight but also on always feeling tired and exhausted.

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In addition to diabetes and cataracts, blurred vision could also reveal retinal detachment, macular degeneration or glaucoma.

These common annoyances could also be caused by this

This vision problem, however, can also be associated with pathologies not strictly related only to sight. Migraines, for example, can be caused precisely by a visual difficulty.

And this can also signal ailments that we would never immediately link to this, such as botulism, rubella, or toxoplasmosis.

In addition to cataracts, blurred vision, therefore, can reveal many pathologies, some of which are truly unthinkable.

For all the reasons mentioned, it is important to always undergo routine checks, to monitor the health of your eyes and take care of them in the most appropriate way.

The specialist, in fact, will make the appropriate considerations and decide how to best treat our situation.

(The information in this article is for information purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings regarding this article and the author’s responsibilities which can be consulted. WHO”)

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