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habits that increase the risk of disease

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habits that increase the risk of disease

There are some habits that are unhealthy and that increase the risk of getting diabetes. Let’s see what they are.

Sad face made with sugar (from Pixabay)

The diabetes it is a chronic disease and millions and millions of people are affected by it and have to pay attention to how they eat and their lifestyle. There is no cure for this disease, only treatments but a lot depends on the person.

When we eat, our body breaks down the various substances and then pours them into the blood. When there is too much sugar, the pancreas starts producing insulin, the hormone that regulates glucose. There are two conditions with diabetes: either there is not enough insulin production (type 1 diabetes) or there is not enough insulin for the body’s sugar load (type 2 diabetes).

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This disease should not be underestimated because over time it can cause very serious consequences such as kidney disease, heart disease and vision problems. We see below the habits that increase the risk of this disease, but also how to treat it.

Diabetes: habits that increase risk

(from pixabay)

You have heard these things many times, perhaps even from your doctor, but it is the truth. The habits that you will find on this list dramatically increase the risk of developing diabetes. These are:

  • Obesity: when this condition is present it means that there is an excess of fat and inflammation in the body. This leads to the cells being in trouble by not being able to handle all the nutrients that arrive. For this reason, insulin resistance increases and the glucose value increases;
  • Incorrect feeding: this means eating a lot of industrial, processed, very sugary and fatty foods;
  • Lack of exercise: being sedentary is not good, it puts the body in serious difficulty in breaking down the various substances. If, on the other hand, you do some physical activity at that moment, your muscles absorb sugar for energy, regardless of whether or not there is insulin. This is why keeping moving helps keep blood glucose levels normal.
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There is currently no cure for people with diabetes. The only thing you can do is agree with your doctor on the right treatment based on the specific case of the person. This includes a variety of medications, but also lifestyle changes. Let’s see then how the disease is treated usually:

  • Drink at least 2 liters of water a day;
  • Follow a healthy and balanced diet;
  • Regular physical activity;
  • Constantly monitor blood sugar;
  • Taking medications;
  • Maintain a healthy weight;
  • Get enough sleep.

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It is very important to try to prevent the disease, but when you have it, it is essential to take cover and follow the doctor’s instructions, as well as to make regular checks to keep your health under control.

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