Home » School, the archipelago of protest: “Now you will stop calling us a disengaged generation”

School, the archipelago of protest: “Now you will stop calling us a disengaged generation”

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School, the archipelago of protest: “Now you will stop calling us a disengaged generation”

ROMA – From the Digos in Turin – sixteen students near the Askatasuna social center, two activists from Osa, one from the Communist Youth Front, all denounced for the assault on Confindustria in via Vincenzo Vela – do not want to be treated. “There are no infiltrators into the student movement,” they say. “Whoever stood in the front row at the defended police gate was one of us”, they still say. “The minister Luciana Lamorgese if you come to terms with it “.

Turin, students attack the Confindustria headquarters: 7 agents injured. 20 exponents of social centers identified

by Alessandra Ziniti, Corrado Zunino

The latest youth movement, which has returned to growth in this winter of 2022 that closes the Omicron pandemic and the enclosure of the Dad Generation, says some clear things with its actions: widespread conflict has resumed in the country, against the government and also of the confederal trade unions. The level of the struggle has risen: the assault on Confindustria Torino is defined by Simon Vial, school manager of the Communist Youth Front, “a strong political fact happens because we know who is responsible for the school-work alternation”. He teaches 15-year-olds, Vial says of PCTO Alternation, “that it’s normal to work without rights.”

Who represents the young people of the squares?

And then, third issue, the resumption of demonstrations – we are on the third consecutive Friday with teenagers and post-teenagers in the square – is redefining the question of who represents the angry young students. Marco Lupo, he freshman at the University of Roma Tre but a reference for the students of Osa (Student Opposition of the alternative), says: “The unions and classic networks are no longer part of the movement. We expelled them on February 4 under the ministry of ‘Instruction”. The antagonistic organizations took the steps that afternoon with a quick and aggressive overtaking on the march and began to chant: “We are not the CGIL”. They considered the Network of middle students and the Union of students to the right and left of Landini’s union while they, new antagonists, prefer to tune in with the Cobas, in particular the Usb, “conflictual union”.

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The acronyms that want to lead the movement

Communist Youth Front, Osa. Then Lupa and the collectives of autonomous derivation of the individual institutes (Virgilio and Mamiani in Rome). The Ksa in Turin. These are the new acronyms that want to put themselves at the head of the new movement. They have taken activists in recent months, it is a fact, and part of the organization of the last marches has passed on their shoulders. The Communist Youth Front, a name out of the apparent coordinates of modernity, assures that in the last school elections it received 120,000 preferences (which is not easy to verify). “In two seasons we have taken twelve representatives in the provincial councils”. He has lived for ten years Fgc and in the demonstrations against the good school he showed himself with a security service that waved small red flags and sang “Whistling the wind”. Then the boys broke up with the Communist Party of Marco Rizzo “and now we are looking for a political landing”. Osa is even younger, 2018. he Presented himself in the Chamber last Thursday with Power to the people, he works in Rome with the “Acrobax” social center and in Milan with “Il Cantiere”. Says the opponent Lupo: “We want to spark a spark that changes this society”. The old revolution, that’s it. “Yes, it’s coming.”

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by Rosario Di Raimondo

The Middle Students Network, one of the so-called classic organizations, did not participate in the third Friday of protest. “We didn’t like the date, it seemed a pretext,” says the coordinator Luca Ianniello, “but no one can claim the right to say who represents the students. For now, we have thirty provincial and four regional councils.” Simon Vial, a young communist, sums up the day “Against the bosses’ school”: “The squares of these hours have been incredible, for numbers and messages. The narrative of the disengaged generation has been turned upside down. We have great potential, the pandemic has only intensified our anger “.

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