Home » The first batch of mainland vegetables arrived in Hong Kong to protect the “vegetable basket” of Hong Kong citizens_Guangdong_Guangnan_Container

The first batch of mainland vegetables arrived in Hong Kong to protect the “vegetable basket” of Hong Kong citizens_Guangdong_Guangnan_Container

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Original title: The first batch of mainland vegetables arrived in Hong Kong to protect the “vegetable basket” of Hong Kong citizens

(Fighting against New Coronary Pneumonia) The first batch of mainland vegetables arrived in Hong Kong to protect the “vegetable basket” of Hong Kong citizens

China News Agency, Hong Kong, February 19 (Reporter Wei Huadu) Due to the severe new crown pneumonia epidemic in Hong Kong, land transportation between the mainland and Hong Kong has been affected. The “Hong Kong” fresh water emergency protection channel was officially opened. In the early morning of the 19th, the first batch of fresh vegetables arrived in Hong Kong and were released to the public on the same day to protect the “vegetable basket” of thousands of households.

In order to ensure the supply and price stability of the Hong Kong market, Guangdong Guangnan Line Co., Ltd. (Guangdong Guangnan Line) organizes the supply of vegetables from the Mainland to Hong Kong. With the support of Zhujiang Shipping Co., Ltd., the “Guangzhou Panyu Lianhuashan Port to Hong Kong” emergency protection channel for fresh food on the water was opened, and materials were transported from the mainland to Hong Kong by water.

The first batch of 200 boxes of fresh vegetables, totaling 3 tons, was packed at the Lianhuashan Wharf in Panyu, Guangzhou at 4 pm on the 18th and sent to Hong Kong. At about 4 am on the 19th, the batch of vegetables arrived at the Pearl River Shipping berth in Yau Ma Tei, Hong Kong. What the reporter saw at the scene in Yau Ma Tei, a cargo ship full of containers slowly entered the pier. After docking, the container on board was unloaded by a crane, and then moved to the unloading area. slogan. Afterwards, relevant personnel from the Food Safety Centre of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department of the SAR Government, the Marine Department of the SAR Government and the Hong Kong Customs and Excise Department checked and accepted the containers, checked the vegetables in the containers, and then loaded the vegetables into trucks and sent them to wholesale markets for sale. .

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Huang Aiwu, vice chairman of Guangdong Guangnan Bank, told reporters at the scene in Yau Ma Tei that after Guangdong-Hong Kong land transportation was blocked, Guangdong Guangnan Bank planned water transportation with the Hong Kong industry. Pearl River Shipping solved the transportation problem, and the planning process was quite smooth. Guangdong Guangnan Line will continue to improve the operation details of water transportation, gradually increase the number of shipping and the supply of vegetables, chilled meat and eggs, and stabilize the supply of fresh meat and vegetables market.

When talking about his personal feelings, Huang Aiwu said that as a state-owned enterprise, Guangdong Guangnan Bank should be able to do something real for Hong Kong citizens. . He sent a message to Hong Kong citizens: “The epidemic is ruthless, but people have feelings.” (End)Return to Sohu, see more


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