Home Ā» Attention! If you wake up every morning with a sore throat it could be a bad sign

Attention! If you wake up every morning with a sore throat it could be a bad sign

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Attention!  If you wake up every morning with a sore throat it could be a bad sign

Identifying early symptoms early is the key to surviving cancer. Unfortunately, the symptoms of a fatal disease are very difficult to detect.

Many of the very early symptoms may be too mild – or even not exist at all – to be discovered; this causes the disease to progress undisturbed, which expands cancer cells to other parts of the body.

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As reported by the ‘Mirror’, the NHS (the English National Health System) recommends always keep an eye on changes in your body, even the smallest ones, and to undergo a possible visit to their general practitioner. By identifying the symptoms early, the chances of slowing or stopping the progression of the disease are increased.

According to pharmacist Abbas Kanani of the ‘Chemist Click’, there is a particular symptom that it could be an early cancer warning, e persistently appears every morningupon awakening.

According to Kanani, waking up with the sore throat every morning for more than two weekswith no room for improvement, it is a clear symptom caused by cancer. The pharmacist added that persistent cough is also another alarm of the disease.

Abbas Kanani spoke about the topic in an interview for ‘The Express’: “Smokers often wake up with a cough. However, a persistent cough for more than two weeks requires medical attention. Especially if you smoke “.

Another troubling morning sign is fatigue: feeling slightly tired in the morning may be normal, but if this persists throughout the day it may require further consideration: “Sweating at night is not a good sign. You must undergo a medical examination, especially if sweating is accompanied by fatigue, weight loss, or bruisingā€œ.

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According to the cancer.org website, the general symptoms of cancer are:

  • Swelling or bumps anywhere on the body
  • Fatigue or extreme tiredness that does not improve with rest
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Problems with food such as loss of appetite, difficulty swallowing, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting
  • Changes in stool or urine

Though there is currently no surefire way to prevent cancer, healthy habits can lower the risk of cancer. According to Cancer Research Uk “Avoiding smoking is best to do to reduce the risk of cancer. Chemicals from cigarettes penetrate the blood and can cause damage to any part of the body. If you are a smoker, the best decision for your health is to quit smoking ā€.

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Also alcohol intake it could be a risk factor: it is not important which or how much alcohol you consume, because in any case it causes damage to our health, if consumed regularly. Regularly or frequently means drinking for most days of the week.

To reduce the risks caused by alcohol, just follow a few simple tips:

  • It is not recommended to drink more than 14 doses of alcohol per week
  • If you drink 14 servings, it is best to spread them evenly over three or more days
  • If you are trying to quit drinking, you can start by setting days of the week to avoid drinking
  • If you are pregnant or planning one, it is safer to completely avoid alcohol consumption, so as not to put the unborn baby at risk.
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