Home » From 1 April, a gradual farewell to restrictions, Draghi’s road map is on its way

From 1 April, a gradual farewell to restrictions, Draghi’s road map is on its way

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From 1 April, a gradual farewell to restrictions, Draghi’s road map is on its way

The end of the state of emergency, on March 31, is approaching. And the government is preparing for a series of progressive easing of restrictions. With a particular eye to tourism in view of Easter, which falls this year on April 17th. Something is already happening: the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza has in fact signed an ordinance that extends to travelers arriving from non-EU countries the same rules that apply to EU countries. So stop the quarantine and the swab for those who are vaccinated: from March 1st to enter Italy the “basic” Green pass, ie certificate of vaccination or recovery, or negative swab will be enough. A boon for the world of tourism, which awaits the Easter holidays as the first real window of 2022 for a breath of fresh air.

Speranza’s decision came a few hours after another sign of opening, this time from Brussels: the European Affairs ministers of the 27 recommended EU countries to “lift the temporary restriction of non-essential travel to the Union for people vaccinated “.

Towards a road map for the end of restrictions

Prime Minister Mario Draghi was peremptory at the press conference on 18 February. Expressing the will to “get out of the restrictions as soon as possible”. And promising “a specific road map every day, so as to eliminate any uncertainty”. A road map expected by “families and businesses”. The Ukrainian crisis has turned the government’s agenda upside down. Already next week the control room could meet with the representatives of the majority to discuss the terms of the de-escalation.

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The easing expected as early as March

In the meantime, some news had already been decided in the past days, and will arrive even before March 31st. On 10 March it will be possible to return to visit family members in the hospital. Also from 10 March it will be allowed to consume food in cinemas and sports facilities. And by the end of March the stadiums (now at 75%) should return to full capacity

Green pass, more freedom outdoors and more caution indoors

But it is only from 1 April onwards, with the state of emergency behind us, that really new scenarios should open up, in particular with respect to the Green pass. Despite the Lega’s attempts to accelerate (to the limit of the tear), that the green certificate is abolished “tout court” seems improbable: more likely that its use will be limited gradually, with fewer and fewer applications of the “strengthened” version (ie released only with vaccination or cure – no tampon). It should be possible, however, to go back to eating outdoors in bars and restaurants without having to show it; on the other hand, it could remain indoors, perhaps in the “basic” version. The same regime – more freedom outdoors, more caution indoors – could also apply to sports activities.

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