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Avezzano, the medical ward risks collapse

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Avezzano, the medical ward risks collapse

The Cisl Fp Abruzzo Molise announces a mobilization if there will not be, soon, an intervention on the units at work. The Covid medical department of theAvezzano hospital remained with only 7 nurses and a few units of Oss. But the situation is worrying throughout the region, where 1,700 nurses are missing. The Vice-President of the Health Commission, Taglieri: Act now.

Abruzzo: 1,700 nurses are missing, precarious situation

It is not excluded, in the short term, that the medical staff of the Avezzano hospital will cross their arms if there are no responses to the dramatic working conditions in which the operators are subjected. So the Cisl Fp Abruzzo Molise through the Secretary General, Vincenzo Mennucci and the provincial health coordinator of L’Aquila, Marcello Ferretti. Both highlight how the conditions in which the workers of this company are subjected are no longer acceptable, starting from the precarious situation of Covid medicine in Avezzanoleft with only 7 nurses and a few Oss units. Rapid action is needed on the units, even in the First aid as Simeu’s complaintwith the situation worsened by the recorded infections.

The Covid medical department in Avezzano is left with only 7 nurses and a few Oss units

Returning to the numbers expressed, in detail the aforementioned Complex Operating Unit is in very difficult conditions – Mennucci and Ferretti pursue -, due to structural, logistical and lack of minimum safety requirements necessary to face a correct management of COVID-19 patients. In that service the paths of cleanliness and dirt are not distinguished but above all of a filter area able to guarantee both the safety of the workers and the timely management of the patient. It should also be noted that due to the expansion of the beds for Covidthe continuous subtraction of indispensable human resources in strategic departments with consequent risk on the provision of assistance within 24 hours.

Healthcare on the verge of a nervous breakdown and the Cisl Fp Abruzzo Molise explains: The workloads are out of the question, operators are forced to navigate the myriad requests of patients and their families. Biological damage and professional risks are around the corner, so much so that absences due to illness and / or contagion from Covid are taking over. It’s still: For too long we have received the cry of alarm by nurses and doctors, socio-health workers, technicians and auxiliaries. In short, the situation is reaching warning levels – as has already broadly emerged from the national strike of 28 January – and, again the trade unionists, after the various protests and requests presented, an intervention by the regional political level and the strategic management of the local company can no longer be postponed.

Health workers have been forced to years of backbreaking work, often giving up rest in order to ensure the best level of care for patients

The company alone cannot withstand such pressureand this concerns the entire regional health system. In fact, in Abruzzo it is estimated that about 1,700 nurses are missing – jointly with Oss and doctors – and to act as an additional megaphone is the vice-president of the Health Commission, Francesco Taglieriwhich goes into specifics. Between work overload, suspended holidays and sudden movements, the doctors have been forced to years of exhausting work, often giving up rest in order to ensure the best level of care for patients. As if that were not enough, the remuneration in Italy in the sector is among the lowest in Europe. Reason for which Taglieri has filed a motion that binds the regional council, chaired by Marco Marsilioto take concrete action – including ai State-Regions tables – on these issues.

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