Home » Theoretical lessons and practical tests to drive safely: the new project for Udine students

Theoretical lessons and practical tests to drive safely: the new project for Udine students

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Theoretical lessons and practical tests to drive safely: the new project for Udine students

The prefect of Udine presented today, February 23, the project “Four Wheels for Safety – lifestyles, driving styles”, an initiative aimed at secondary schools in the province of Udine

UDINE. The prefect of Udine presented today, February 23, the project “Four Wheels for Safety – lifestyles, driving styles”, an initiative aimed at secondary schools in the province of Udine. It is a project that aims to develop knowledge of the rules, compliance with the rules, the acquisition of correct behavior on the road, inspired by the culture of legality, awareness of one’s actions and the assumption of one’s responsibilities.

Driving safely, prefect Marchesilello: “Project for younger students”

The project includes lessons for third and fourth grade students, track tests and, new this year, also a competition of ideas for the creation of creative works (images, videos, music, commercials and more) by the students themselves. There will be time until the end of the year to produce the documents. The best will be awarded early next year and will be used in future road safety information campaigns.

“Four wheels for safety”: the new project for Udine students

The presentation was attended by the prefect of Udine Massimo Marchesiello, the regional referent for the student council and youth policies Professor Emanuele Bertoni, the director of the Udine traffic police section Alessandro De Ruosi, the director of the Friuli Luciano Nonis Foundation, the president Paolo Ceccon of the Rotary Club of Udine, leader of the project, the Rotary governor of Triveneto Raffaele Antonio Caltabiano, the director of the Udine Automobile Club Maddalena Valli and the president of ARLeF of Udine Eros Cisilino.

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