Home » The Pont Donnaz also passes to San Giorgio but for a while it was a real game

The Pont Donnaz also passes to San Giorgio but for a while it was a real game

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Strenuous resistance to the leaders by the hosts then the break obtained in the third fourth round of rest for Real Forno was decisive


Basket Pont Donnas Paolo Preti wins in San Giorgio against Golden River, while Real Forno 2013 takes a rest.

The Pont Donnas by Claudio Marcolongo continues its march to the sound of victories. he clearly imposes himself against the Golden River San Giorgia, still looking for the first win of the season. The final score is clear, 53-77, but it was not a walk as evidenced by the progressives of the quarterfinals: 15-17; 28-33; 33-59.

The game was balanced in the first part, then the victory for the green-and-whites matured in the third quarter, when they took advantage of the empty pass of the Sangiorgesi to take off and secure the final success, finding a margin of advantage of over twenty lengths.

The best scorer of the challenge was the guest player Aiello, who scored 21 points, while Maccanti was the most prolific in the ranks of the hosts with 14. These are the points of the meeting; Golden River: Maccanti 14, Amerio 11, Franzino 8, Busacchetti 6, Chiartano 6, Bianco 4, Malano 2, Autino 2. Coach: Loris Rozzarin. Basket Pont Donnas: Paris 2, Charles 8, Bassi 9, Buffa 5, Paonessa 4, Chieno 6, Aiello 21, Martignene 2, Bertino 6, Nicolet 12, Marchiando 2. Coach: Carlo Marcolongo.

Group A (other results): Vigliano-Ronzone 51-48; Team Livorno Ferraris-Red and Black Aosta 46-54; Leini-Valdilana virtus 63-46. Ranking: Pont Donnas 18, Valdilana virtus, Rouge et Noir Aosta 12, Leini 10, Ronzone, Vigliano 6, Livorno Ferraris 4, Golden River 0.

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Group B: Montà-San Donato 51-64; Baldissero-Alfieri 37-71; Avigliana-Wolves 28-66; Alter ’82 -Franzin val noce 73-59; the Real Forno rested. Ranking: Alfieri 18, Wolves 16, Alter 14, Franzin val noce, San Donato 12, Montà 6, Real Forno 2, Avigliana, Baldissero sport 0. –

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