Home » Voghe stops Sestese’s run-up with Bahirov and Romano getting 3 gold points

Voghe stops Sestese’s run-up with Bahirov and Romano getting 3 gold points

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Voghe stops Sestese’s run-up with Bahirov and Romano getting 3 gold points

At Parisi fourth consecutive victory for the Rossoneri who move to -1 from the play off zone. Varesina new leaders


The Vogherese drops the poker of successes against the Sestese who showed up at the Parisi to hook the new leaders Varesina in first place (bypassed the Varzi). The Rossoneri, after a careful first half, exalt themselves in the second half, where they knocked out Sestese, who had been unbeaten in 11 games, with the seals of Bahirov and Romano. This success allowed the Rossoneri team to rise to 32 points, -1 from the play off zone. Mister Giacomotti confirms the usual 3-4-1-2, with Riceputi returning to the left lane; in front is the Bahirov-Romano tandem, supported by De Stradis. The Sestese, a team that aspires to the top, comes with a 4-3-3, in which the offensive trident is made up of Selpa central point, flanked on the outside by Pedrabissi and Colombo. The guests, who are looking for the three points to grab the primacy, leave with decision, in front of an always solid Voghe. At 5 ‘, De Toni is ready for the low exit on Pedrabissi’s poisonous cross from the right. At 14 ‘, Pedrabissi again checks and shoots at the net, after Colombo’s punishment, De Toni foils. The Voghe is always sharp when it stretches in attack. At 26 ‘, the Rossoneri build a choral plot of applause. Romano trades with Andrini, who triggers De Stradis; the cross from the right of the Apulian playmaker finds Riceputi ready for a header in the center of the area, Menegon is very good at neutralizing in diving. La Voghe pushes again on the right side in the 37th minute, when Romano packs an assist for Riceputi, stopped by a timely intervention by Fall in closing, At 41 ‘, Sestese returns to knock, with an action that originates on the left with Colombo, and leads to the conclusion Pedrabissi from the edge, De Toni quickly foils. The first half ends with another offensive blaze from the Rossoneri. Romano from the right directs to the center, where Riceputi stretches in a split, opposed by a visiting defender, and fails to give strength to his central shot.

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A more decisive attitude

In the second half, Voghe begins with a more decisive attitude. At 6 ‘, Riceputi kicks wide from 25 meters. Much more threatening is Voghe in the 20 ‘, when Riceputi avoids a doubling on the left and serves De Stradis, whose left-handed diagonal touches the post. The continuous assault of the Rossoneri produces the well-deserved advantage in the 23rd minute. It all stems from the cut corner of De Stradis, rejected with a hand by Menegono, then the double header by Fasoli and Riceputi favors the winning turn of Bahirov, who from an inviting position pierces the visiting goalkeeper. At 37 ‘. a burning acceleration by Buscaglia, who entered in place of the bruised De Stradis, sliced ​​the host defense on the left side, with Marioli putting down the AC Milan striker. From the spot, Romano hits the mark and closes the games, to the jubilation of the Rossoneri audience. –


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