Home » Belarusian source: Russia-Ukraine peace talks will be postponed until the morning of the 28th – yqqlm

Belarusian source: Russia-Ukraine peace talks will be postponed until the morning of the 28th – yqqlm

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Belarusian source: Russia-Ukraine peace talks will be postponed until the morning of the 28th – yqqlm
</p> <p> Belarusian source: Russia-Ukraine peace talks will be postponed until the morning of the 28th – yqqlm<br />

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Belarusian source: Russia-Ukraine peace talks will be postponed until the morning of the 28th

2022-02-28 06:46

Source: CCTV News


2022-02-28 06:46

Securities Times e company news, on the 27th local time, RIA Novosti quoted a Belarusian source as saying that peace talks between Russia and Ukraine will be held on the morning of the 28th local time at the official residence of Gomel Oblast, Belarus. Ukrainian media reported that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s press secretary said negotiations between the two sides would take several hours to start because of the logistical complexity and the need for security measures for the Ukrainian delegation. (Telephone for reporting illegal and bad information: 0755-83514034 Email: [email protected]) (CCTV News)

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    Belarusian source: Russia-Ukraine peace talks will be postponed until the morning of the 28th


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