Home » Outbursts of war: so the bombs devastated Kiev and Kharkiv

Outbursts of war: so the bombs devastated Kiev and Kharkiv

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Outbursts of war: so the bombs devastated Kiev and Kharkiv

Bombs on cities. Kiev and Kharkiv at the center of the Russian offensive. In the capital, the objective is among the most strategic: the TV tower in Kiev, the structure that allows millions of Ukrainians to tune in to the story of the war, just as a convoy of Russian armored vehicles over 60 kilometers long martially advances towards the capital. A raid took place in broad daylight, after residents were told to stay away from telecommunication towers.

Moscow is increasingly a combined siege. Across Ukraine, aviation bombings – hundreds of missiles – are pounding strategic centers, especially Kharkiv. The country’s second largest city, in the north-east near the Russian border, has suffered heavy raids. Among other things, the seat of the local government is being targeted. At least 18 confirmed victims, dozens injured, the central Piazza della Libertà transformed into a theater of war.

Here are the photos that testify how the rubble, more than the Russian army, has conquered the cities. And the attack continues.

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