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Pordenone, the goal crisis is the mother of all problems

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Pordenone, the goal crisis is the mother of all problems

In the last five games the lizards have scored only one goal per game already lost Butic is jammed, Candellone is a foreign body and Cambiaghi is not a bomber

PORDENONE. If Pordenone’s hopes of salvation have been reduced to a flicker over the last period, the reason is mainly to be found in the problem of the goal. The match in Terni two days ago was the manifesto: while creating a greater number of chances than other matches, Tedino’s team remained dry again. In fact, in the last five matches he has scored only one goal, moreover in games with Monza. With Cittadella, Reggina, Vicenza and Ternana the lizards closed the 90 ‘at zero altitude.

It seems to have returned to the beginning of the first round, when the neroverdi had gone blank in the first four days of the championship (with Perugia, Spal, Parma and Cittadella). It is difficult to have faith in the future, although for Liberati only a great Iannarilli denied the joy of the goal to the Friulians. The red-green goalkeeper was superb on Butic and on Vokic, while in front of him Di Serio was unable to find the easy solving shot by letting himself be hypnotized. This time the offensive maneuver was more lively and the team played more… as a team, with some players who seemed to be found (Torrasi and Deli in particular).

Maybe it was Tedino’s rediscovered presence, maybe it was a greater mental freedom, the fact is that at least in the possession phase the group convinced. However, the offensive sterility remains a fact of life: 19 goals scored in total, worst attack in the category. Specifically, Butic, after the center made with Spal, is jammed; Di Serio had a good start with some good performances, he had beaten Buffon in Parma, but then he took a step back. Candellone, who arrived in January, has so far proved to be a foreign body, a distant player from that seen in the two-year period 2018-2020 while Mensah – just returned to the stable plant from an injury – was able to be expelled for a decidedly avoidable reaction. Finally, Cambiaghi, for his part, creates dangers for his opponents, but he does not have many goals in the barrel (he has scored three) and from him, like his other team mates, you cannot ask for miracles.

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At this year’s Pordenone, among other things, an attacker of excellent category level was missing, those who had been Strizzolo, Diaw and, finally, Ciurria. All three played a decisive role in achieving team goals during the first two seasons of Serie B. The player in this case was identified in Tsadjout, but on balance the choice turned out to be wrong. Now all that remains is to lick his wounds and try to improve this aspect as much as possible to close the tournament head on.

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