Home » Gementi: «Luca Piazzi excellent general manager. Sinani can make the Serie C “

Gementi: «Luca Piazzi excellent general manager. Sinani can make the Serie C “

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Gementi: «Luca Piazzi excellent general manager.  Sinani can make the Serie C “

Attilio Gementi

The diesse of Trento was in the stands on Wednesday in Levico to watch the game lost by the Belluno Dolomites


He aims to save himself without excessive worries with Trento in Serie C. But the D still follows it, having been his reference championship for several seasons. So who better than him can analyze the Belluno Dolomites, recommending very specific moves if he intends to reach professionalism in the coming years. Meanwhile, he provides positive feedback on Ismet Sinani, a Levico center forward who seemed to be going to Trento in January.

What game and what Dolomites did you see?

«A tie-breaking challenge, resolved by a great play by Sanctuaries. I think the Dolomites are a good team, I have no doubts about that. His players are good, some even from a higher category such as Petdji, and the young players have interesting qualities ».

You have won a championship with Trento and obtained exciting results at Campodarsego. Can you tell us how to get a promotion?

«With the unity of purpose and not making dramas if you sometimes make accidents along the way. I think the Dolomites have taken the first great and fundamental step by getting together. Now it’s up to them to make the right decisions. I think it is crucial to let there be a figure able to synthesize the technical and corporate needs. However, he must have the right confidence, and not be questioned if something is wrong or if a couple of results are not as we would like ».

Luca Piazzi will be the new CEO, barring surprises.

“A competent and serious person, who I imagine will take advantage of the next few months to learn more about the D series which he has been missing for some years”.

Against the Dolomites he was able to keep an eye on Ismet Sinani. Would he be ready for C?

«We are talking about a player capable of doing well in professionalism. Then, as always, patience is needed and the boy himself has significant margins for improvement in some aspects. But he is a prospect to keep an eye on, no doubt ».DAPO

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