Home » No 110% superbonus to hotels, Federalberghi’s wrath: “Only promises from the Government”

No 110% superbonus to hotels, Federalberghi’s wrath: “Only promises from the Government”

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UDINE. “We are angry. Very angry ». The president of regional Federalberghi Paola Schneider would like to use another term, more explicit, to express the disappointment of the category, but then holds back.

But the substance of his speech does not change. “They made us promises after promises, instead we had yet another disappointment – he says -. The Minister of Tourism Garavaglia had been to our national assembly in Rome, we had had assurances on the inclusion, in the Superbonus 110%, of hotel facilities, but nothing. We trust in the discussion in Parliament, in the amendments. But at this point it is useless to repeat that we have the old hotel park and then not allocate anything to improve it.

We pass as a category of rich people, but this could perhaps have been valid 30 years ago, now everything has changed, we live with our business, but we certainly don’t get rich. Or, on the part of the government, there is a strategy to favor large international chains that do not need 110% to renovate their hotels. But in Italy this is not the case, hotels are often family-run or managed by small companies which, however, make sense, in giving something different, varied, depending on the territory in which they are located.

If we want to homologate, then we will lose our added value. We renovate the hotel park, which is old, there are many to be put in place, with state funds it could be a unique and unrepeatable opportunity. And then the big international brands don’t even pay taxes in Italy, what’s the point? It is not better to help local operators who then pay taxes on the territory anyway. Our president Bocca and the director Nucara had an audition and expressed embarrassment and discomfort, we will make ourselves heard ».

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“From the Region there has been money for refreshments, now we expect there will be tenders to arrange hotels – adds Schneider -. With local resources, it could be possible to facilitate what does not fall within the 110 per cent, work in synergy between the State and the Region. We need all the energy efficiency part, structures that foresee spaces for distancing, with the common areas that will have to be different from today, there are a lot of elements to consider.

Obtaining contributions means relieving ourselves of a burden and being able to start over with settled hotels and debt-free entrepreneurs who can work with serenity. Those who restructure on their own, for 5 years only have to repay the banks, have a hard time, at least here in Carnia where I work it is like this, but the situation does not change much in the rest of the region ».

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