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Violent ultras, beatings and belts before Giorgione-Bassano

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Violent ultras, beatings and belts before Giorgione-Bassano

In Castelfranco in the pre-match of the match of the football championship of Excellence, the rival supporters faced each other outside the stadium. Complaints and daspo are coming

CASTELFRANCO. They insulted, beaten and pushed each other. The carabinieri are investigating the brawl that took place on Sunday before the match of the championship of Excellence between Giorgione and Bassano. A sort of derby considering the proximity of the two cities, which has fueled the tensions between the rival supporters.

Shortly before kick-off, near the entrance to the Ostani stadium, insults flew among fans. But the provocations quickly changed hands. In particular, two groups of about ten people were involved, supporters of Giorgione and Bassano. Fists flew, a few shoves.

Beatings, punches and kicks among fans before Giorgione-Bassano: the images

Some fans have raged on a rival who fell to the ground in the middle of the road using the stick of the flag as if it were a truncheon, hitting him several times in the back even with the belt. A fight that went out after a few minutes, and which then saw the fans go to the stadium to see the game.

On Monday the videos taken from a terrace were delivered to the carabinieri. It is on the basis of these images that the military are identifying the young people of Castelfranco and Bassano who became the protagonists of the clashes outside Ostani. For them, complaints could be triggered and daspowhich would keep them out of any sporting event for a long time.

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