Home » Fossalunga di Vedelago weeps Volpato, a life as a mediator

Fossalunga di Vedelago weeps Volpato, a life as a mediator

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Vittorio Volpato

One of the last of the Castellana, known not only in Vedelago and in the Castelfranco area, but also in Padovano, especially in Tombolo, where he frequented the usual livestock and hay markets every week.

VEDELAGO. Fossalunga cries for the loss of a well-known and well-liked person: Vittorio Volpato, 88, a life spent as a mediator.

One of the last of the Castellana, known not only in Vedelago and in the Castelfranco area, but also in the Paduan area, especially in Tombolo, where he frequented the usual livestock and hay markets every week.

Vittorio Volpato also dealt with land, especially agricultural ones. He had started the business from a young age after his studies, but above all by learning from the “old”, in particular his grandfather who had taught him the trade, those who beat their hand for a business without putting anything back on paper. He was also very active in volunteering, such as in organizing the local festival.

He leaves his three children Annamaria, Marilena and Giancarlo, his adored grandchildren, the funeral will take place on Friday at 10 am in the Fossalunga church.

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