Home » Italian stuck in Kiev in his animal shelter: “We are without water or food, save us”

Italian stuck in Kiev in his animal shelter: “We are without water or food, save us”

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Italian stuck in Kiev in his animal shelter: “We are without water or food, save us”

“We have been without water or food for more than 24 hours, help us”. It is the alarm raised by Andrea Cisterninoa former Roman photographer who founded a large animal shelter north of Kiev, through a message sent yesterday to the freelance journalist Claudio Locatelli which is located in the Ukrainian capital. “I am inside the shelter with four people, including three women, and 453 animals of all species – wrote the former Roman photojournalist – We have been without water for more than 24 hours, without food for animals and humans. Help”.

The wife Vlada Shalutko confirms to Ansa: “My husband is surrounded near Kiev. The last time I heard him was 48 hours ago, he sent me a message to tell me that they are alive. They have no food or water, there is also no electricity and the telephone. The situation is tragic. We are taking steps to get the Red Cross to bring food, but we need an agreement with the Russians “.

Cisternino is in the territory occupied by the Russian army and – as Locatelli explains in a video – “has been without water or food for 48 hours. They managed to recover non-potable water from a nearby well, but they risk dying of hunger and thirst “. To save him – he continues – it would be necessary to get help from the Red Cross, but it is necessary for the Ukrainian government to activate it and for this reason the journalist asks for the intervention of the Farnesina. In some interviews released to the Italian media in recent weeks, Cisternino had explained that he did not want to leave the shelter and that he was ready to die with his pets. In 2015, his shelter was devastated by fire by a farmer.

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“Andrea Cisternino – explains the Lega deputy Daniele Belotti – manages the animal shelter Italy Kj2 for about ten years. Cisternino takes care of animals rescued from mistreatment and breeding. We ask the Foreign Ministry to urgently activate the procedures for a rescue mission for our compatriot and his collaborators “.

The Italian embassy in Ukraine, currently based in Lviv, said: “We know about your situation and we are following the case”. At the same time, the embassy points out that the location of the Italian is currently difficult to reach. On 12 February, the Farnesina issued the first invitation to Italians to temporarily leave Ukraine given the worsening of security conditions.

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