Home » Casale Monferrato resignation in series, it is controversy after the last of the president of the Casale Rifiuti Consortium: The Municipality knew nothing

Casale Monferrato resignation in series, it is controversy after the last of the president of the Casale Rifiuti Consortium: The Municipality knew nothing

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Casale Monferrato resignation in series, it is controversy after the last of the president of the Casale Rifiuti Consortium: The Municipality knew nothing

CASALE MONFERRATO. After the sudden resignation of Daniele Gazzi as president of the Consorzio Casalese Rifiuti (CCR) on the occasion of the assembly of the 44 municipalities that are part of it, the first reactions arrive.

«I express human solidarity with Daniele Gazzi, aware that the task to which he was called in October 2019 was not easy. He deserves credit for having wanted to carry on the Tarip project, among many resistances. Certainly his declaration leaves no room for fictitious reasons », says Cesare Chiesa, mayor of Rosignano and former president of the CCR. Paolo Lavagno, of the CCR board of directors, says he is “in solidarity with Gazzi”.

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The councilor of Casale (majority shareholder of the CCR) Giorgio Demezzi, of Ritrovare Casale, is concerned “about the delicate moment that the waste sector is facing, for the extra expenses to be faced by joining the regional ATO (Optimal Territorial Area) and for the investments of the Cosmo company, but of which we have no information as directors. The new regulations will entail an expense for Casale of around 7,000 euros “.

Luca Gioanola, leader of the Pd group, asks for “an urgent clarification from the mayor, after having witnessed three defections from the same political group of the League: first the councilor Ettore Bellingeri who joined the mixed group, then the councilor Maria Teresa Lombardi who is discharged, now Daniele Gazzi ». Some mayors, who in the assembly voted against the requested increases (22 cents more per inhabitant), are worried about the expenses: “We will have to recover them – they say – with higher taxes”.

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Mayor Federico Riboldi is currently on a humanitarian mission in Slovakia, but it is the deputy mayor, Emanuele Capra, who takes a stand: «We thank Daniele Gazzi for his commitment, especially in the first phase of his task. Then some differences with the president of the Cosmo company highlighted greater technical skills on that side, especially for the economic and financial plan “. His “political side”, as Gazzi defines it, which would not have sufficiently supported him and had to acknowledge it: “We too knew nothing of his intentions to resign, so much so that a few minutes earlier with the new councilor Cecilia Strozzi and with the secretary municipal spoke of the investments to be made in the coming years “.

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