Home » Economy Festival, the word to young people for “Visions of the future”

Economy Festival, the word to young people for “Visions of the future”

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Economy Festival, the word to young people for “Visions of the future”

Is called Visions of the Future and it is a contest dedicated to female students and university students, to postgraduate doctoral students and to those enrolled and enrolled in business management schools. This is the first of a series of initiatives included in the 17th edition of the Trento Festival of Economics which will be held here from 2 to 5 June.

The initiative “Visions of the Future“Is closely linked to the main theme of the entire Festival (organized by the Autonomous Province of Trento, through Trentino Marketing, and by the 24 ORE Group in collaboration with the University of Trento and the Municipality of Trento): a theme of strong impact , identified by the Scientific Committee of the Festival: “After the Pandemic, BETWEEN ORDER AND DISORDER”, A sort of red thread that intends to tie together the key points of the global agenda to outline the perspectives in the post-pandemic.

«It is good to clarify immediately that Visions of the Future it is not a competition – explains Federico Silvestri, CEO of Sole24Ore Eventi – but a precious contribution that young people are called to give to the analysis, understanding and possible solutions of two macro-themes that are now unavoidable for the future of all of us.

In other words, each of the participants is called upon, within the context of their respective specific skills and disciplines, to give their contribution to possible solutions on two issues that the Scientific Committee of the Festival has identified as central: gender equality and the energy transition “

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The two strands

«The first theme is inspired by empirical evidence: the female employment rate in Italy is among the lowest in Europe: only one in two women, aged between 20 and 64, has a paid job. Consequently, Italy is one of the European countries with a higher differential in male and female employment rates. As for the ecological transition, students, starting from their experience, are invited to propose innovative ideas, solutions and tools, within their respective specializations, to achieve the objectives of sustainability, decarbonization, and circular economy, indicated by national and supranational bodies ” .

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