Home » For Ivrea, the first victory of the year will come at the table

For Ivrea, the first victory of the year will come at the table

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Ivrea’s first victory will be at the table. Sunday no match for the Ivrea players, who were looking for a victory at the penultimate Varese home. Some Lombard players were positive at Covid and the match was postponed. The 0-20 will be given at the table and Ivrea will rise to 6 in the standings, to -2 precisely from Varese. Meanwhile, Cus Milano won the derby 25-19 against Amatori and is +10 over Piacenza, who beat Franciacorta 29-24, who overcame Bergamo (beaten 42-9 in Lecco). In the next round, Sunday 27 March, third return, the fifteen coached Ivrea will host the Amatori & Union Milano at the Diego Santi in San Giovanni (2.30 pm). The other matches Lecco-Franciacorta, Piacenza-Varese, Cus Milano-Unione Monferrato, rest Capoterra and Bergamo. –

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