Home Ā» To reduce tiredness and fatigue and fight free radicals, here is the vitamin that would also counteract depression, Alzheimer’s and cognitive decline

To reduce tiredness and fatigue and fight free radicals, here is the vitamin that would also counteract depression, Alzheimer’s and cognitive decline

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To reduce tiredness and fatigue and fight free radicals, here is the vitamin that would also counteract depression, Alzheimer’s and cognitive decline

At this time of the year it is more common to feel more fatigued and the feeling is that of having less energy. Spring, unfortunately, plays tricks and it is not uncommon to have a low mood, also due to probable problems falling asleep.

When these symptoms do not vanish, on the contrary they are prolonged over time, together with other alarm bells, it is worthwhile to deepen, because it could be more or less serious pathologies.

Even some mental confusion, with memory loss, should not be ignored, as it could be the harbinger of complex diseases.

In other cases, then, there are nutrients that could be useful in preventing certain conditions, making the immune system stronger and bringing benefits to the entire body.

Hence, vitamins and minerals, even those we consider the least, such as selenium, would ward off cognitive decline and premature aging.

To reduce tiredness and fatigue and fight free radicals, here is the vitamin that would also counteract depression, Alzheimer’s and cognitive decline

While we ignore some minerals, we believe that some “famous” vitamins are limited to serving only single purposes. As is the case with vitamin C, which we often talk about especially when we are cold, we have sore throats and other flu symptoms.

In reality, there is no clear scientific evidence that would reveal a fundamental role in prevention. Some studies show that taking vitamin C may make colds last shorter and lead to less serious consequences. It is certainly a very important substance for the general well-being of our body, but its benefits would not only concern colds and beauty remedies.

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Many do not know that it would serve to reduce tiredness and fatigue and counteract the action of free radicals, keeping cells healthy.

Being a powerful antioxidant, it participates in various reactions and above all it would help to make our immune system stronger. For this reason it could be suggested in the presence of some conditions, such as depression, Alzheimer’s, dementia.

It must be said that EFSA has not agreed on some of these proposals for use. While it has authorized the “claims” that consider ascorbic acid useful for absorbing iron, to decrease fatigue, to facilitate proper functioning of the nervous and immune systems.

Foods rich in this important nutrient

Contrary to popular belief, it is not citrus fruits that have a higher concentration of vitamin C. Sea buckthorn fruit is much richer than lemons and oranges. In addition, it is also present in large quantities in kiwis, red and green peppers, broccoli, spinach, tomatoes and strawberries. The important thing is to try to maintain the recommended daily dose, which in an adult fluctuates between 85 and 130 mg, depending on sex or other conditions.

(The information in this article is for informational purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings regarding this article and the author’s responsibilities which can be consulted. WHO”)

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