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Bardini promotes APU: “He plays as a team and captain Antonutti is like my Bettarini”

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Bardini promotes APU: “He plays as a team and captain Antonutti is like my Bettarini”

Bardini al Carnera with Pedone, Fedriga and Adami © Foto Petrussi

The coach of the promotion to Serie A with Fantoni 1985/86 applauds Udine

UDINE. Teamwork will take the APU far. Word of Claudio Bardini, president of the Udine Fip and coach of Fantoni who in 1985/86 obtained promotion to the A1 series.

Bardini was in the parterre on Sunday at Carnera and breathed the festive atmosphere that exists around the Old Wild West after the triumph in the Italian Cup.

Bardini, you know about promotion in A. Is the road taken by the APU the right one?

“Surely. In the hearts of these players and all the staff there is the aspiration to leap in quality. In my day there was team play and it is the same today. There is between the president Pedone and the CEO Graberi. There is between the technical and physical staff, there is team play between the players, who respect the fundamental rules. Michael Jordan used to say: “With talent you win games, with teamwork and basketball intelligence you win championships” ».

The team seems to have no weaknesses. In your opinion, is there anything you can improve at?

«Let’s start by saying that the defense is a life insurance, because it hardly knows bad days, while the attack lives by percentages. The APU has an asphyxiating defense, cooks opponents on a slow fire and plays in a balanced way in attack. Maybe we can improve on free throws and file turnovers, even though we know that the coaching staff doesn’t need any suggestions ».

What significance does this Italian Cup have for the local basketball movement?

«It has a great significance, as a Cividale success would have had. It is an injection of confidence, fuel for the whole movement. In addition to the sense of belonging of the public. We have seen the enthusiasm of the Carnera. The APU belongs to the city of Udine, just go around the bars and shops to notice it ».

From now to June, who and what can Boniciolli fear?

«Matteo is a great communicator and a great motivator, he knows what he has to do. The important thing is not to let your guard down and keep your feet on the ground. Continue to sweat ».

The captain and the deputy captain are from Friuli. Is it a spot for Udinese basketball?

“It’s a very important thing. I have always believed in the role of the captain, who must have certain moral characteristics and give 110%. Antonutti and Nobile are an added value for the APU, they keep the movement loyal. We had the Bettarini flag ».

This year the APU has extended its family to the first women’s team. What do you think?

«Far-sighted operation. They are two important basketball movements, there is a communion of intent. At the time of the earthquake it was said “fasin di bessoi”, today it is different. They are leading teams, they give oxygen to the movement and at the base there is volunteering. Every little boy or girl must dream of being able to play with those teams. Here there is a hunger for basketball, to be relaunched after the pandemic. In schools, in oratories. Young people need sport ».

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