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Coop for Future and Close the Gap awards presented

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Coop for Future and Close the Gap awards presented

The award ceremony for the XIV Edition of the Coop For Future Award, Coop’s recognition of its branded suppliers who have distinguished themselves for their sustainability policies, has closed. In 2022, the “Close the Gap” Award for gender inclusion was also born after last year’s preview. Another novelty this year is the establishment of two Scientific Committees made up of experts called to choose the six winning companies; five for Coop For Future and one for “Close the Gap”. Born in 2006, the award then aimed at realizing the dictates of the Kyoto protocol by focusing on the emissions of climate-altering gases and over time the issues have gradually evolved with the expansion of the concept of environmental protection. This year the five awards for commitment to green sustainability (there are five product categories in which suppliers are placed), was added the award relating to ethics and gender equality linked to the Coop “Close The Gap. We reduce the differences “.


From the few pioneers who had joined the first edition, this year 409 suppliers took part in the initiative (out of over 500 of Coop’s branded product suppliers) by filling out questionnaires and accepting the inspections of the certification body Bureau Veritas, under penalty of exclusion from the Award; a network of large, medium and small Italian companies called to a virtuous competition.

An x-ray

In fact, the award becomes an overall “x-ray” of sustainability in all its meanings, starting from the assumption that many actions, in addition to bringing a benefit to the environment and mankind, can simultaneously generate an economic benefit. News of 2022 also the two Scientific Committees called to evaluate the criteria and results that emerged from the comparison with companies.

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The jury

The Committee for the Coop for Future Awards includes Carlo Alberto Pratesi, Full Professor of Marketing, Innovation and Sustainability at the Roma Tre University, Simone Molteni, scientific director of Lifegate and Angelo Mastrandrea journalist of il Manifesto-Extraterrestre e Internazionale, while the Committee called Maurizia Iachino Founder and President of the Fuori Quota Association, for gender equality in listed companies, Vera Gheno sociolinguist specialized in digital communication and Andrea Notarnicola of the Global Inclusion Committee gave their contribution to decide on the Gender Equality Award.

The winners

These are therefore the prizes awarded in Milan by Marco Pedroni President of Coop Italia and Ancc-Coop (National Association of Consumer Cooperatives-Coop) and Maura Latini CEO of Coop Italia. For the new award on ethics and gender inclusion, the Euro Company del Ravenna, a company specializing in dried and dried fruit. Certified by third-party bodies for gender equality, it is a pioneer in the equal distribution of the parenting task by granting its new fathers a longer period of parental leave than required by law. It also holds courses on gender-based inclusion and violence for its employees, has procedures that protect those who report illegal acts against employees and in particular against women and includes diversity, fairness and inclusion among the corporate values. operations to improve energy efficiency, reduce the weight of packaging and the use of recycled materials, the presence of numerous certifications including that for organic products, and the initiatives to rationalize transport to reduce the environmental impact.

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