Home » Tingling in the feet and pain in tight shoes could be the alarm bells of this tumor

Tingling in the feet and pain in tight shoes could be the alarm bells of this tumor

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Tingling in the feet and pain in tight shoes could be the alarm bells of this tumor

Tingling is a phenomenon that occurs when there is an altered perception of sensitivity. The medical term is paraesthesia, although it is known as tingling, although it is a medical manifestation of it.

Usually, tingling wouldn’t be a factor to worry about. For example, it will have happened to everyone to sleep, for several hours, on one arm. When we wake up, we feel a sensation of numbness and, in fact, tingling.

In this case, we should not be alarmed, since the sensitivity, of which we spoke earlier, is “lost”, due to the long position taken. Consequently, if we feel the tingling in the left arm, in this specific case, we should not worry.

However, if there are other symptoms along with numbness in the left arm, we recommend calling for help, as it could be a more serious problem. In the case of tingling in the feet and pain in tight shoes, if this happens frequently, we recommend that you see your doctor, as it could be a benign tumor.

Morton’s neuroma

First of all, the neuroma is a benign tumor that finds its origin in the cells that line those nerve, associated with the nerves. There are different classifications of neuromas, depending on the affected nerve. Here, we will discuss interdigital or, also known, Morton’s neuroma.

This tumor would affect the nerves in the toes, and could affect one or both feet. In general, the affected fingers are from the second to fourth toes. As anticipated, the alarm bells could be tingling in the fingers which, in some cases, could turn into burning, as well as pain felt especially with tight shoes.

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However, it must be specified that, in order for it to be an interdigital neuroma, the sensation of numbness and pain must be felt frequently. Therefore, if we experience this sensation from time to time, it could be due to a prolonged incorrect position.

Nonetheless, we always recommend that you notify your doctor. Making checks as a form of prevention is the right choice, to try to avoid possible future problems.

Tingling in the feet and pain in tight shoes could be the alarm bells of this tumor

Your doctor will determine the cause of the foot pain. However, the National Institute of Health suggests that, in the case of Morton’s neuroma, MRI and ultrasound would not be suitable tools, due to false positives or negatives.

If the doctor discovers the true cause of the tingling, which is this benign tumor, he may prescribe anti-inflammatory or corticosteroid therapy. It could also prescribe natural remedies, if the manifestations have occurred a few days or months, such as ice packs. The doctor could also decide to resort to surgery if the previously prescribed therapy does not have the desired effects.

In any case, we always recommend that you contact your doctor, since this article is not intended to replace your opinion.

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(The information in this article is for informational purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings regarding this article and the author’s responsibilities which can be consulted. WHO”)

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