Home » Usac in Moncalieri, then two recoveries and the playout

Usac in Moncalieri, then two recoveries and the playout

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Coach Porcelli satisfied with his team, which is preparing for the decisive phase of the season: salvation is at stake


Usac tries to restart on Saturday 2 April in Moncalieri (9 pm) on the Kolbe field (referees Massimiliano Sarzano from Casale Monferrato and Elia Rigon from Bellinzago Novarese). «It will not be an easy match – says the Usac Rivarolo coach Titto Porcelli – they are playing for fourth place, in their staff they have several experienced and superior players. We against Biella last Sunday presented ourselves with some players who had physical problems. I was actually happy with the reaction in the third quarter, when we got back into the game. Unfortunately, having few rotations available penalized us and in the final minutes we arrived tired, also because we had played the Wednesday before in Collegno ». The last two days of the first round not played due to Covid-19 will be made up next week. On Wednesday 6 April the rivarolesi will be in Biella and on Sunday 13 at home against Kolbe, in Leini. So the playouts. Last week Kolbe won away on the Arona field for 59-71 and then again in recovery, again against the Novaresi, for 74-52.

Two recoveries took place on Wednesday, March 30th: the aforementioned Kolbe-Arona and Gymnastics-Biella 60-69. This is the match schedule of the eleventh and final day of the second round of the Serie C gold championship. All races are scheduled for Saturday 2 April: Serravalle-Collegno (6.30 pm); Savigliano-Biella (21); Kolbe-Usac Rivarolo (21); Gymnastics-Bea Chieri (21.15); Arona-Junior Casale (21); Don Bosco Crocetta-Cerealterra Ciriè (21).

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Ranking: Collegno 36, Junior Casale 30, Don Bosco Crocetta 28, Kolbe 26, Serravalle 24, Cerealterra Ciriè 22, Savigliano 18, Bea Chieri 14, Arona, Biella 12, Usac Rivarolo 8, Gymnastics Turin 0.

In the Serie D championship, Pallacanestro Montalto Dora (group B top, second day of return) will play at home against the Novara team of Spartans basketball in Borgomanero on Sunday 3 April at 6 pm The team coached by Gigio Macario last week lost to Seventh against Sea Basket for 62-52. The first of the group is promoted to C Silver, second and third in the playoffs. The other matches: Domodossola-Sea Settimo Basketball, Viking Paruzzano-De Mori Biella. Ranking: De Mori Biella 10, Viking Paruzzano 8, Sea Settimo, Montalto Dora, Spartans 6, Domodossola Basketball 0. –

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